Page last updated: 08 September 2023

Unregistered businesses

This list contains the names of businesses or individuals that are not registered as a financial service provider on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) in New Zealand but may be in the business of providing financial services. An individual or entity that is in the business of providing a financial service to clients in New Zealand should be registered on the FSPR for that service. Not being registered on the FSPR may mean they are not complying with the requirements of New Zealand legislation.

The list is not exhaustive. Prior to engaging, we recommend checking that the Advisor is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).

Deciding how to invest

Search Results

Found 196 results. Displaying page 6 of 14

  1. 24 November 2020

    Endeavor Capital Partners

    Endeavor Capital Partners is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  2. 23 November 2020

    Absolute Global Marketing

    The FMA recommends exercising caution before dealing with Absolute Global Marketing and their website, Absolute Global Marketing is not registered on the FSPR and is not an incorporated company in New Zealand.
  3. 23 November 2020

    Axes LLC

    Axes LLC is not a registered financial service provider and is unable to offer financial services/products to New Zealand residents.
  4. 21 October 2020

    BND Traders and DMAX and  are not registered financial service providers in New Zealand or licensed by the FMA.
  5. 30 September 2020


    King-Banner is not incorporated company or registered financial service provider in New Zealand. They are therefore not permitted to provide financial services/products to New Zealand residents.
  6. 5 June 2020

    Crowd1 and Impact Crowd Technology S.L.

    We recommend exercising caution before dealing with Crowd1 and Impact Crowd Technology S.L. as they are not registered companies or financial service providers in New Zealand.
  7. 19 May 2020

    Pioneer Income

    Pioneer Income is not registered as a financial service provider in New Zealand and is therefore not permitted to provide financial services/products to New Zealand residents. 
  8. 17 April 2020


    MetalsWise is not registered and/or licensed to offer financial services to New Zealand residents.
  9. 15 April 2020

    Whitley Trading Group

    Whitley Trading Group is not listed on the FSPR and is not an incorporated company in New Zealand.
  10. 31 March 2020

    Speed Solutions Ltd

    Speed Solutions Ltd is not a registered company in New Zealand and is not registered on the New Zealand Financial Service Providers Register.
  11. 19 December 2019

    Cloud Technology & Investments Pty Ltd

    Cloud Technology & Investments Pty Ltd is not registered on the New Zealand Financial Service Providers Register as a financial service provider.
  12. 18 December 2019


    BitcoinMarketsCap is not a registered company or financial service provider in New Zealand.
  13. 18 November 2019

    AG Markets

    AG Markets is not to provide financial advice services in New Zealand.
  14. 15 November 2019

    Profitix, Enigma GRC Limited and True Capital Pro

    We recommend exercising caution before dealing with Profitix, Enigma GRC Limited and True Capital Pro as all entities are not listed on the FSPR and are not incorporated in New Zealand.
  15. 12 November 2019

    GC Group Limited

    The FMA is concerned GCG’s website contains misleading statements that have the potential to mislead investors on the extent to which GCG is a regulated or licensed entity in New Zealand and in overseas jurisdictions.