Page last updated: 08 September 2023

Unregistered businesses

This list contains the names of businesses or individuals that are not registered as a financial service provider on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) in New Zealand but may be in the business of providing financial services. An individual or entity that is in the business of providing a financial service to clients in New Zealand should be registered on the FSPR for that service. Not being registered on the FSPR may mean they are not complying with the requirements of New Zealand legislation.

The list is not exhaustive. Prior to engaging, we recommend checking that the Advisor is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).

Deciding how to invest

Search Results

Found 203 results. Displaying page 4 of 14

  1. 8 April 2022

    Warning about Ryo Currency operating in breach of FSP Act

    WARNING: We are concerned that Ryo Currency operating in breach of Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008. Ryo Currency is offering financial services to New Zealand residents but is not registered as a Financial Service Provider as required by New Zealand financial markets legislation
  2. 31 March 2022

    FMA issues warning about crypto trader, Golden Hawk

    WARNING: Golden Hawk is not a registered entity, nor a registered financial service provider in New Zealand. As such, they are not registered to provide financial products or services to New Zealand residents.
  3. 16 December 2021

    Warning about Nostra Capital

    Warning: We are concerned that Nostra Capital is operating a scam via its website Nostra Capital is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand and is therefore not permitted to provide financial services to New Zealand residents. We recommend caution if dealing with this entity.
  4. 1 December 2021

    NYSE Website - Warning for Investors

    WARNING: We are concerned the operators of the website (‘NYSE’) may be operating a scam. We have received a report of investors in the company being unable to withdraw their investments. NYSE is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand
  5. 22 November 2021


    Warning: We believe GrayWallet is operating a scam via and (the websites). The websites offer cryptocurrency wallet services to investors. We are aware of an investor using GrayWallet’s wallet services to invest and being unable to withdraw their cryptocurrency.
  6. 16 November 2021

    Saga Trade

    WARNING: We are concerned that Saga Trade may be operating a scam. We have received reports of investors being unable to withdraw their investments. Saga Trade is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand, nor licensed in New Zealand to offer trading in derivatives, including CFDs.
  7. 11 November 2021

    Mido Finance Limited

    WARNING: Mido Finance Limited offers plans for investing in DeFi, NFT and cryptocurrency exchanges while offering daily profits from 0.7 to 4.3%, via its website. The website claims that the company is subject to regulation in New Zealand, but the company is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand. This means that they cannot provide financial products or services to New Zealand residents.
  8. 8 November 2021

    WARNING: is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand, nor licensed in New Zealand to offer trading in derivatives, including futures, options and CFDs. We recommend caution when dealing with this website.
  9. 5 November 2021

    Neptune Blocks

    WARNING: FMA are concerned that Neptune Blocks may be operating a scam. We have received reports of investors in the company being unable to withdraw their investments.
  10. 5 November 2021

    SG Consultancy

    WARNING: SG Consultancy is not a registered New Zealand company and is not registered or licensed to provide financial products or services to New Zealand residents. We recommend exercising caution when dealing with this entity.