Page last updated: 08 September 2023

Unregistered businesses

This list contains the names of businesses or individuals that are not registered as a financial service provider on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) in New Zealand but may be in the business of providing financial services. An individual or entity that is in the business of providing a financial service to clients in New Zealand should be registered on the FSPR for that service. Not being registered on the FSPR may mean they are not complying with the requirements of New Zealand legislation.

The list is not exhaustive. Prior to engaging, we recommend checking that the Advisor is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).

Deciding how to invest

Search Results

Found 196 results. Displaying page 12 of 14

  1. 24 February 2016

    WGM Group Limited

    WGM Group Limited, trading as Belfor FX, has been deregistered from the Financial Service Providers Register and is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  2. 23 February 2016

    Capital Market Investments Limited

    On the website http://www.noafx, Capital Market Investments Limited is claiming to be registered in New Zealand as a financial service provider and also a member of a disputes resolution scheme when in fact it is neither.
  3. 1 February 2016

    Belfor FX (WGM Group Limited)

    Belfor FX has been deregistered from the Financial Service Providers Register and is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  4. 1 November 2015

    Fund Access Limited

    Fund Access Limited is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  5. 1 October 2015 claims to be regulated in New Zealand when this is not the case.
  6. 1 October 2015

    Mercer Capital New Zealand is not registered as a company in New Zealand.
  7. 1 October 2015

    Options Rider is not regulated as a financial service provider in New Zealand.
  8. 13 August 2015

    Market Investment Associates Limited

    We are concerned that Market Investment Associates Limited is claiming to be registered on the financial service providers register when this is not the case.
  9. 1 August 2015

    AIO Global Limited

    AIO Global Limited is claiming to be registered on the financial service providers register when this is not the case.
  10. 1 August 2015

    Tilney Asset Management

    Tilney Asset Management is not registered, authorised and/or licensed to offer financial services under New Zealand financial markets legislation.
  11. 1 May 2015

    CTM Group Limited (CTM)

    Complaints from overseas-based customers of CTM about CTM’s failure to repay clients in accordance with their instructions.
  12. 1 May 2015

    Grandegoldens Pty Limited

    Grandegoldens continues to solicit client money through its website despite its recent deregistration and has false and misleading aspects of its website.
  13. 27 February 2015

    Eco Investments Group

    Eco Investments Group is not registered or licensed to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  14. 1 August 2014

    Galleass Capital NZ Limited

    Persons offering financial services in NZ without appropriate registration or authorisation from FMA and false/misleading advertising