Page last updated: 29 April 2024


The guidance library contains FMA guidance notes, information sheets, guides and other useful reference material.

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Found 167 results. Displaying page 7 of 12

  1. 19 July 2017

    Fee disclosure by managed funds guidance

    Fee disclosure by managed funds guidance helps managers and supervisors understand how fees should be disclosed in Product Disclosure Statements, fund updates and, in respect of KiwiSaver schemes, confirmation information.
  2. 13 July 2017

    Disclosing non-GAAP financial information guidance note

    Disclosing non-GAAP financial information guidance note describse financial information outside of financial statements that is not prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP), or is presented as an alternative to statutory profit, as ‘non-GAAP financial information.’
  3. 8 March 2017

    KiwiSaver sales and advice

    KiwiSaver sales and advice guidance note outlines our view on what advisers or providers of KiwiSaver should talk to investors about, types of advice and the use of customer incentives.
  4. Conduct

    2 February 2017

    A guide to the FMA's view of conduct

    A guide to FMA's view of conduct guide describes why good conduct matters and how high standards of conduct support fair, efficient and transparent markets. This handbook is intended as a reference for directors, executives and advisers to decide how best to apply the principles for corporate governance to their particular entity.
  5. 22 December 2016

    How the FMC Act will affect co-operative companies and industrial and provident societies that have issued, or intend to issue, co-operative shares

    How the FMC Act will affect co-operative companies and industrial and provident societies that have issued, or intend to issue, co-operative shares information sheet outlines the options for co-operative companies and industrial and provident societies (IPSs) (collectively referred to as co-operatives) offering and managing co-operative shares.
  6. Crowdfunding Service Provider

    2 August 2016

    Crowdfunding services for property investments – meeting the eligibility criteria

    Crowdfunding services for property investments – meeting the eligibility criteria, information sheet is designed to help crowdfunding services offering property investment (‘property crowdfunding’) meet the eligibility criteria for a licensed crowdfunding service in New Zealand.
  7. 19 May 2016

    Licensing guide for MIS managers of forestry schemes

    Licensing guide for MIS managers of forestry schemes guide supplements Part B of our licensing application guides. It explains to businesses providing a managed investment scheme (MIS) service of a forestry scheme how to approach their licence application under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
  8. 29 February 2016

    How to calculate 0% PIR returns

    How to calculate 0% PIR returns information sheet sets out the formula we expect managers of portfolio investment entity (PIE) funds to use when calculating a fund’s return with a 0% prescribed investor rate.
  9. 24 November 2015

    Guidance note on risk indicators and description of managed funds

    Guidance note on risk indicators and description of managed funds is for managers and supervisors of managed funds. It gives guidance on how to calculate risk indicators, when to update a PDS, how to describe a fund’s volatility, and in certain cases how to name your fund.
  10. 22 October 2015

    Custodians’ obligations information sheet

    The Custodians' obligations information sheet outlines the obligations of custodians under the Financial Advisers (Custodians of FMCA Financial Products) Regulations 2014.