Page last updated: 29 April 2024


The guidance library contains FMA guidance notes, information sheets, guides and other useful reference material.

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  1. Guidance

    1 February 2015

    Reporting SIPO limit breaks

    Reporting SIPO limit breaks information sheet outlines the reporting obligations of a Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) manager if there has been a limit break under its Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) under Part 4 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
  2. 1 December 2014

    KiwiSaver: Managed investment schemes

    KiwiSaver: Managed investment schemes information sheet describes the transition to FMC Act for a KiwiSaver MIS. It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition.
  3. 1 December 2014

    Debt offers: continuous information sheet

    The Debt offers: continuous information sheet provides an overview of the transition to the FMA Act for a Debt offers – continuous. It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition.
  4. 1 December 2014

    Debt offers: one off information sheet

    Debt Offers: one off, information Sheet Debt offers one-off outlines the transition of Debt offers one-off (Excluding banks and non-bank deposit takers) to FMC Act. It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition.
  5. 1 December 2014

    Corporate debt issuers information sheet

    The Corporate debt issuers information sheet provides an overview of the transition to the FMC Act for Corporate debt issuers. It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition for Corporate debt issuers.
  6. Guidance

    1 December 2014

    Other types: Managed investment schemes

    Other types: Managed investment schemes information sheet outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition for a ‘other types’ of MIS. Other types of MIS includes a range of schemes, often tightly focused – eg property and forestry schemes. Note, excludes property and forestry schemes structured as companies (who are classed as equity issuers).
  7. Guidance

    1 December 2014

    Non-bank deposit takers (NBDTs)

    Non-bank deposit takers (NBDTs) information sheet describes the transition to the FMC Act for an NBDTs (Non bank deposit takers). It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition.
  8. 1 December 2014

    Equity Issuers: continuous information sheet

    Equity Issuers: continuous information sheet provides information about the transition to FMC Act for equity issuers. It outlines a working example of the key activities and indicative timings for each step of the transition.