Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1629 results. Displaying page 45 of 109

  1. 12 February 2021

    ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited - High Court Judgment

    On 4 June 2020 the Financial Markets Authority (“FMA”) filed civil proceedings against ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (“ANZ”) alleging various breaches of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (“the Act”). This is the High Court Judgment.
  2. 27 January 2021

    Market Operator Obligations Targeted Review NZX

    As a licensed market operator, NZX is required to meet certain general obligations imposed under section 314 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). One of those obligations requires NZX to have sufficient technological resources to operate its licensed markets properly. This includes ensuring, to the extent reasonably practicable, the availability, security, capacity and maintenance of its trading platforms, settlement systems, internal market monitoring systems and other related systems.
  3. 19 January 2021

    ASX24 Obligations Review 2020

    Australian Securities Exchange Limited (ASX 24) is licensed to operate the ASX 24 derivatives market (derivatives market) in New Zealand. The FMA is required to report at least once every two years1 on how well ASX 24 is meeting its licensed market operator obligations. This review covers the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2020. T