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  1. 31 July 2023

    Standard 8 Settlement

    Standard 8 Settlement for designated Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs).
  2. 1 August 2013

    Westpac submission

    Submission from Westpac New Zealand Limited in response to the Consultation Paper: Practical implications of reporting entities transacting with other reporting entities, 8 Aug 2013
  3. 5 November 2019

    Declaration Fit and Proper - Audit firms

    To comply with section 26(1)(d) of the Act the Firm must meet the minimum standards for audit firms set out in Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012 (‘the prescribed minimum standards’) prescribed by FMA pursuant to section 32 (1) (g) of the Act. Clause 8(1)(c) of the prescribed minimum standards requires that all of the Firm’s partners must be fit and proper persons as assessed by FMA. This declaration provides evidence of the steps taken by the firm and the partner who signs this declaration to identify any relevant information and confirms the correctness and completeness of information provided.