Page last updated: 09 September 2024

Media releases – 2017

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Search Results

Found 767 results. Displaying page 35 of 52

  1. 5 October 2015

    FMA 2015 KiwiSaver report shows investment returns and withdrawals reach all-time highs

    The Financial Markets Authority’s (FMA) latest report into KiwiSaver activity shows funds flowing into KiwiSaver at an all-time high during the 12 months to 31 March 2015. Investment returns were the biggest component of positive fund flows while the level of withdrawals also increased to the largest level since KiwiSaver began.
  2. 30 September 2015

    SPG and SPGI director pleads guilty to FMA charges

    Former company director and financial adviser, Andrew Hrothgar Robinson, has today pleaded guilty to charges brought by FMA, relating to his involvement as director of Strategic Planning Group Limited (SPG) and SPG Investment Company No.1 Limited (SPGI).
  3. 21 August 2015

    Guilty pleas entered in OPI Pacific Finance case

    Two former directors of OPI Pacific Finance, Mark Lawrence Lacy and Jason Robert Duncan Maywald, have pleaded guilty to two charges under the Securities Act 1978 in a prosecution commenced by the FMA in 2013. Read more.
  4. 12 August 2015

    Life after work - ready or not

    A new study shows that almost half of people over 50 years old have yet to figure out how they will reach their retirement goals. While four in ten people who have already retired, did so without a financial plan for their retirement.