Page last updated: 30 June 2023

Media releases – 2015

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Search Results

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  1. 25 May 2021

    Thousands of young New Zealanders missing out on investment returns

    The (FMA) is urging young New Zealanders to check they’re in the right KiwiSaver fund. The call follows data indicating over 12,000 KiwiSaver members aged 26-35 years old are sitting in lower risk or conservative funds after switching from higher growth funds during COVID-19 market volatility last year.
  2. 14 May 2021

    New default KiwiSaver settings designed to benefit members

    The Financial Markets Authority - Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko (FMA) notes the Government’s announcement today regarding new KiwiSaver default provider arrangements, these include new settings that offer a package of benefits for default KiwiSaver members.
  3. 6 May 2021

    New law reforms the regulation of financial market infrastructures (FMIs)

    New laws to regulate and supervise payment and settlement systems have been passed by Parliament following the third reading of the Financial Market Infrastructures Bill (the Bill) yesterday. Under the Bill the Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua (the Reserve Bank) and the Financial Markets Authority – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko (FMA) will be joint regulators of most FMIs, including central securities depositories, securities settlement systems, central counterparties, and trade repositories. The Reserve Bank will be the sole regulator of payments systems under the new regime.
  4. 15 April 2021

    FMA welcomes NZ strategy for financial capability

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has welcomed the release of The National Strategy for Financial Capability, presented in Parliament today by the Minister for Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Dr David Clark.
  5. 25 March 2021

    IFIAR releases 2020 Survey of Inspection Findings

    The International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR) has released its ninth annual survey of Members’ inspection results for the 2020 year. IFIAR is a membership organisation of 54 independent audit regulators, including the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
  6. 15 March 2021

    Start to new licensing regime for financial advice

    The Financial markets Authority (FMA) welcomes the start of the new financial advice regime from 15 March 2021. Under the new regime, anyone who gives regulated financial advice to retail clients must either hold, or operate under, a Financial Advice Provider licence. All providers of financial advice are now subject to the same obligation to place the interests of their clients first and must adhere to a new Code of Conduct.