Page last updated: 28 June 2023

Reports and papers

This section contains our reports and papers. For corporate publications, such as the annual report and statement of intent please see our corporate publications page

For guides, information sheets and legal guidance please see our guidance library.

Search Results

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  1. Reports and Papers

    17 May 2021

    Negative Interest Rate report

    The report is a summary of responses received from our survey of licensed financial services firms in September 2020 regarding their readiness for negative interest rates.
  2. Reports and Papers

    4 December 2020

    ARA Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions

    An auditor/audit firm must meet the minimum standards and conditions as prescribed under section 32 of the Auditor Regulation Act 2011. Read more about these standards and conditions.
  3. Reports and Papers

    13 December 2019

    Thematic review of MIS custody arrangements

    The thematic review of MIS custody arrangements identified issues around the independence of custody arrangements, and inconsistency of custodial processes, procedures and controls. Read the full report here.
  4. Reports and Papers

    9 September 2019

    Growing New Zealand’s Capital Markets 2029

    NZX and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) welcomed the release of the Capital Markets 2029 report, saying the 10-year vision and growth agenda would create more opportunities for Kiwis to grow personal wealth, help New Zealand businesses to prosper, and help future-proof the country’s economy.
  5. Reports and Papers

    15 November 2018

    Bank Incentive Structures

    The Bank Incentive Structures review report was signalled in the Financial Market Authority’s (FMA) Annual Corporate Plan 2017/18, and aligns with our strategic priorities of Sales and advice, Conflicted conduct, and Governance and culture.
  6. Reports and Papers

    5 November 2018

    Bank Conduct and Culture Review

    The Bank Conduct and Culture Review is a report that documents the findings from an FMA and RBNZ review of the conduct and culture in New Zealand retail banks.
  7. Reports and Papers

    18 July 2018

    Conflicted conduct in the insurance industry

    Our latest review on conflicted conduct in the insurance industry focuses on how QFEs mitigate risks through their operational policies and procedures when selling replacement policies. Our previous work focuses on RFAa and AFAs.
  8. Reports and Papers

    20 February 2018

    Conduct Outcomes Report

    This report outlines how we responded to the areas of misconduct we saw during 2017. It also gives an overview of our supervision activity for the parts of the financial services industry we regulate.