Page last updated: 19 July 2024

Consultations – 2020

Consultation is an important part of our policy development process. Our consultation is designed to encourage quality engagement from interested businesses and individuals, balanced with the need to complete policy work within the required timeframe. When consulting on policy development we will:

  • post upcoming consultation on our homepage calendar as they are scheduled
  • publish consultation documents that clearly describe the issue we’re seeking feedback on
  • provide a reasonable amount of time for respondents to provide quality feedback.  If you need more time, please contact the FMA
  • publish the feedback we receive through consultation, usually via a summary of the key themes, our response and the names of submitters
  • undertake further consultation if our initial proposal changes significantly and we need additional feedback 
  • publish a regulatory impact statement for significant policy decisions

Search Results

Found 110 results. Displaying page 7 of 8

  1. Closed - with decision

    13 March 2015

    Consultation paper: Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions

    Consultation paper: Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions. We sought comments on matters we believe should receive support through the FMA’s legislative tools, but for which we have yet to develop policy proposals. Read more here.
  2. Closed - with decision

    20 February 2015

    Consultation paper: Going Public – A Director’s Guide

    Going Public – A Director’s Guide is intended to help directors assess whether going public is the right choice for their company and to provide an insight into the process of becoming a public company.
  3. Closed - with decision

    28 August 2014

    Consultation Paper: SIPOs and Limit Breaks

    In August/September 2014, the FMA consulted on SIPOs and Limit Breaks. 21 submissions were received. A summary of the submission feedback can be downloaded here.