Page last updated: 11 August 2023

Enforcement Activity

In the event of a breach of financial markets legislation, we may intervene on an informal basis or at a low level where such action is proportionate to the misconduct and will achieve an appropriate market outcome. However, where appropriate, we will take strong action and hold individuals and entities accountable when they break the law and fail to meet the standards that are expected of them. If harm has been identified, we may also take regulatory action of some sort even though no ‘rules’ appear to have been broken.

Our enforcement activity can be viewed on this page.

Search Results

Found 128 results. Displaying page 5 of 9

  1. 30 September 2018

    ERoad - Hamish Sansom and Jeffrey Peter Honey

    The FMA alleges that an Eroad employee sent text messages to a former Eroad employee that contained confidential material information relating to Eroad’s performance in the period to 30 September 2015. That individual then traded 15,000 Eroad shares. Read more.
  2. 6 July 2018

    Garry James Patterson

    The FMA has filed charges against Garry James Patterson alleging he was or was holding out as being, in the business of providing financial services in contravention of the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 (FSP Act). Read more.
  3. 3 July 2018

    Arena Capital/Blackfort

    Mr Ryan, also known as Lance Jared Thompson, used the forex platform BlackfortFX as a façade to encourage more than 900 investors, who were mostly from the Christchurch region, to put about $8.3 million in the Ponzi scheme. Read more.
  4. 12 December 2017

    Hanover Finance, Hanover Capital & United Finance

    These proceedings were issued under sections 55B, 55C, 55G and related sections of the Securities Act 1978. FMA has applied for compensation, declarations of civil liability, civil pecuniary penalties against each of the five directors and promoters - Mark Hotchin, Gregory Muir, Sir Tipene O'Regan, Bruce Gordon, Eric Watson and Dennis Broit. Read more.
  5. 24 November 2017

    Fullerton Markets

    The FMA has issued a formal AML/CFT warning to Fullerton Markets. Read more.
  6. 28 August 2017

    Prince and Partners

    In taking these proceedings, it was the first time FMA brought s 34 case and acted in the place of the investors in Viaduct who lost most of their investments when Viaduct was put into receivership. Read more.
  7. 31 July 2017

    Mark Warminger

    The FMA has issued civil proceedings seeking pecuniary penalties against Mr Warminger for trading carried out between January and August 2014. The FMA alleges that MR Warminger’s conduct amounted to market manipulation in breach of s11B of the Securities Markets Act 1988.
  8. 13 July 2017

    Anthony Norman Wilson

    Wilson admitted three charges of making a false document for pecuniary advantage and one charge of dishonestly using a document for pecuniary advantage. Read more.
  9. 8 June 2017

    Innovative Securities Limited (ISL)

    FMA determined that the FSPR registration of Innovative Securities is or is likely to create a false or misleading appearance that it is an FSP in New Zealand and directed companies office to deregister it. Read more.
  10. 8 June 2017

    Vivier and Company Limited (Vivier)

    FMA considered Vivier’s New Zealand FSP registration to be misleading as all its services were mostly in Europe and directed that Vivier be deregistered as an FSP. Read more.
  11. 15 July 2016

    Archer Capital (Pty) Limited (Archer) and Healthcare Industry Limited (HIL)

    FMA initiated civil proceedings against Archer Capital (Pty) Limited and Healthcare Industry Limited (HIL) for alleged breaches of the substantial shareholder disclosure obligations contained in the Securities Markets Act 1988, in relation to shares in Abano Healthcare Group Limited (Abano). Read more.
  12. 6 July 2016

    Mr Paul Clifford Hibbs and Hansa Limited

    Anyone who has been in contact with Mr Hibbs or Hansa in relation to the offer of financial advice, investment services, or any other form of financial product or service, is encouraged to contact us.
  13. 30 June 2016

    Apple Fields Limited - Justin Prain and Mark Schroeder

    FMA brought charges against directors of Apple Fields Limited (Apple Fields) for breaches of the Financial Reporting Act 1993, by not filing financial statements for three years (2011, 2012 and 2013).
  14. 22 June 2016

    Andrew Robinson (SPG and SPGI) and Mark Turnock (SPGI)

    The criminal proceeding brought by FMA relates to allegations of breaches of the FR Act, FA Act and FSPR Act. The Serious Fraud Office has also laid separate charges under the Crimes Act against Mr Robinson. Mr Turnock was charged under the FR Act. Read more.