Page last updated: 11 August 2023

Enforcement Activity

In the event of a breach of financial markets legislation, we may intervene on an informal basis or at a low level where such action is proportionate to the misconduct and will achieve an appropriate market outcome. However, where appropriate, we will take strong action and hold individuals and entities accountable when they break the law and fail to meet the standards that are expected of them. If harm has been identified, we may also take regulatory action of some sort even though no ‘rules’ appear to have been broken.

Our enforcement activity can be viewed on this page.

Search Results

Found 128 results. Displaying page 8 of 9

  1. 18 December 2012

    Credit SaILS

    FMA and the Commerce Commission have inquired into alleged contraventions of New Zealand law by some of the Companies in relation to the marketing, promotion and sale of an investment product called Credit Saleable Index Linked Securities (Credit SalLS). Read more.
  2. 10 September 2012

    Perpetual Trust Limited

    The FMA's inquiries focused on loans made by the Perpetual Cash Management Fund to Torchlight Fund No. 1 LP and the implications for the investors in the Fund and the Perpetual Mortgage Fund. Read more.
  3. 24 April 2012

    Sean Wood

    Sean Wood appealed against a Financial Markets Authority decision to decline his application for authorisation as an Authorised Financial Adviser (AFA). Read more.
  4. 21 December 2011

    Stock & Share Trading Company Pty Ltd

    FMA asked Stock & Share Trading Company Pty Ltd for an enforceable undertaking and issued warning disclosure order to include FMA warning letter with any unsolicited offer they make to ensure investors make an informed decision. Read more.
  5. 21 December 2011

    VonWin Capital Management, L.P.

    FMA asked VonWin for an enforceable undertaking and to include a statement provided by FMA at the beginning of any offer they send to Irongate bondholders to ensure they make an informed decision. Read more.
  6. 13 December 2011

    Kiwi Finance Limited

    This undertaking by Kiwi Finance directors(Rhys Anthony Greensill, Rodney Seymour Roberts Greensill, Barry Noel Lambert and Christopher Bruce Simkin) was accepted by FMA to conclude its civil claim investigations after Kiwi Finance went into receivership in April 2008. It resulted in full restitution of investors' funds, together with an enforceable undertaking from the Directors. Read more.
  7. 6 June 2011

    Zero Commission NZ Limited

    FMA asked Zero for an enforceable undertaking and to include a statement provided by FMA at the beginning of the unsolicited offers to ensure that investors make an informed decision. Read more.
  8. 19 May 2011

    Bernard Whimp and associated limited partnerships

    Mr Whimp, and six of the Limited Partnerships made offers to purchase shares in a number of public companies in the form of “Deferred Payment” Offers which were said to be misleading and deceptive, in breach of s 13 of the Securities Markets Act 1988. Read more.
  9. 23 February 2011

    Nuplex Industries Limited

    The Commission alleged that from 22 December 2008 until 19 February 2009 Nuplex breached its continuous disclosure obligations under the NZX Listing Rules and the Securities Markets Act 1988 by failing to disclose to the market a breach of a banking covenant, and that both Nuplex and the directors are responsible for this failure. Read more.
  10. 22 June 2010

    ANZN and ING

    As part of this settlement ING and ANZN have accepted that some of the representations made in marketing material and by ANZ advisors may have breached the Fair Trading Act and they have agreed to make payments totalling $45 million to affected investors. Read more.
  11. 30 April 2010

    Corman Oil Limited

    Corman Oil Limited appealed to Securities Commission against a decision of Registrar of Companies to refuse registration of Corman Oil Limited prospectus dated 2 February 2010, in accordance with section 42 of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
  12. 7 April 2008

    Foodstuffs (Wellington) Co-Operative Society Limited

    The Foodstuffs (Wellington) Co-operative Society Limited and its directors undertakes that they will not offer securities to the public for subscription, other than in an investment statement, registered prospectus, or authorised advertisement that complies with the Securities Act and the Regulations, or in accordance with any applicable exemption granted by the Commission. Read more.
  13. 20 June 2007

    Contributory Mortgage Investments Limited

    The Commission considered that CMI, CMN, Mr Martin and Mr van Nieuwkoop have failed to meet the standards of care and good governance that it expects from those who seek to raise funds from the public. Enforceable undertakings were offered to remedy the issues. Read more.