Page last updated: 17 January 2024

Gender Pay Gap

Our organisation is committed to meeting the milestones of Kia Toipoto - the Public Service Gender, Māori, Pacific, and Ethnic Pay Gaps Action Plan 2021-24.

As at 1 January 2024, our overall gender pay gap (based on the median hourly rate for all permanent employees, including the chief executive) is 5.9%. This is a reduction of 4.1% from March 2023. We are committed to updating this statistic biannually, we will update the statistic following our annual pay review cycle effective 1 July and following our mid financial year promotion round effective 1 January.

The FMA is committed to ensuring we recruit more females into senior roles, and that we have a gender balance across all levels within the organisation. This will see a decrease in the gender pay gap for the organisation. The FMA will do this by ensuring a balanced recruitment pool of both male and female candidates are presented for all vacancies.

At the pay equity level, equal pay for roles of equal size, we have a good level of equity for our people in the bands.

Under Kia Toipoto agencies and entities need at least 20 employees in each comparative group to publish statistically robust pay gaps, while also protecting the privacy of employees. We have insufficient ethnic data in relation to our employees to publish ethnic pay gaps. We have used the data we have available and employee engagement to develop our first Kia Toipoto Action Plan.

View the FMA Kia Toipoto - the Public Service Gender, Māori, Pacific, and Ethnic Pay Gaps Action Plan 2021-24, PDF