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  1. 5 July 2024

    Bonds Guide

    The Bonds Guide provides investors with information on how to choose, buy and own bonds.
  2. 5 July 2024

    Managed Fund Guide

    The Managed Fund Guide is your guide to choosing, buying and monitoring managed funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs).
  3. 5 July 2024

    Shares guide

    The Shares Guide was produced by the FMA to help novice investors navigate investing in shares.
  4. 5 July 2024


    When you buy a bond, you’re lending money to a bond issuer - usually a government, council or company - for a set period of time (the term). The term is fixed by the issuer and can range between one and 30 years. They’re often known as ‘fixed interest’ investments. Learn more about the different types of bonds and understand their returns, risks and costs here.
  5. 5 July 2024

    Types of investments

    There are many ways to invest your money, though some investments are riskier than others. What’s right for you will depend on your investment goals and investing experience. Watch our video to learn more.
  6. 5 July 2024


    When you buy shares, you're buying a small part of a company. You can buy shares directly or own them through a managed fund which pools many investors’ money. Shares are riskier than other types of investments such as bonds and cash investments. Before diving into the share market, learn more about the ins and outs of trading and stock investment.
  7. 19 June 2024

    CRD What you need to know

    This guide has been produced by the FMA and the External Reporting Board (XRB). It is intended for anyone interested in understanding the basics of the CRD regime.
  8. 7 June 2024

    Scam basics

    This FMA webpage talks about types of scams, how to avoid being scammed, how to report a scam, COVID-19 scams and how to have a scam warning removed.
  9. 21 May 2024

    Investment advice

    An investment adviser works with you to: Understand your needs and goals, find options to suit your situation, explain how each investment works, the risks and possible returns, and what it costs, and more.
  10. 16 January 2024


    The FMA regulates certain products that may be offered by banks (e.g. managed funds) to you. The FMA is interested in the overall conduct of banks. THe FMA does not have a direct legislative mandate for regulating the conduct of providers of core retail banking (such as lending, credit and bank accounts).
  11. 16 January 2024


    When you buy insurance products, you have certain rights and your provider has obligations to make sure you're treated fairly and those products suit your needs. The FMA monitors both insurers and the financial advisers selling insurance products to ensure they are delivering those outcomes.
  12. 13 November 2023

    Make a protected disclosure (whistleblowing)

    If you believe there has been serious wrongdoing in relation to the financial markets by the organisation you work for, you can make a protected disclosure (whistle blowing).
  13. 7 November 2023


    This section of our website provides useful information for consumers or investors on investment basics; getting financial advice, everyday finance such as banking and insurance and financing retirement with a superannuation fund or KiwiSaver.
  14. 12 October 2023

    Unregistered businesses

    The FMA publishes the names of unregistered businesses that have been reported as offering financial services to New Zealanders.