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  1. 5 July 2019

    Statement on the Kiwi Access Card

    Part 1, Section 2 of the amended Identity Verification Code of Practice 2013 (IVCOP) currently refers to the older 18+ card as an example of secondary or supporting form of photographic identification, which is to be used in conjunction with a form of primary nonphotographic identification such as a birth certificate in order to meet the standard set by the IVCOP.
  2. 3 December 2024

    CRD records illustrative examples

    This document provides illustrative examples to help CREs think about how their CRD records could substantiate their climate statements, along with practical and useful information to help CREs understand our expectations. It is split across the four thematic disclosure areas of NZ CS 1. The guidance and illustrative examples focus on disclosures that need the most explanation, including disclosures that bring a higher risk of non-compliance.
  3. 8 December 2016

    AML/CFT Monitoring Report 2016

    This report summarises our monitoring activities to help firms and individuals better understand our expectations and how they can improve their systems and processes, to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the Act). This report covers the period from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. It was our third year of monitoring compliance with the Act.
  4. 1 October 2014

    KiwiSaver Report 2014

    This KiwiSaver Report 2014 has been prepared in accordance with section 194 of the Act. It details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 (the Reporting Period), and contains the seventh annual summary of the statistical returns required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act, as at 31 March 2014.
  5. 13 March 2015

    Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions consultation paper

    The offer and management of most financial products will fall under the standard ‘regulated offer’ regime or within the Schedule 1 statutory exclusions. However, there are a few areas where the FMA may need to use class exemptions, frameworks, or methodologies and designations (the FMA’s legislative tools). We want preliminary comments on matters we believe should be considered for support by the FMA’s legislative tools, but for which we have not yet developed policy proposals. Your feedback will be considered in the development of our proposals
  6. 15 March 2023

    FAP licences Classes of financial advice service

    The FMA specifies three licence classes for financial advice providers (FAP): Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. See section 395(2) of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 as amended by the Financial Services legislation Amendment Act 2019 (FMC Act). Licence classes apply to the manner in which regulated financial advice may be provided but do not limit the types of financial advice that may be provided under the licence, as the latter is addressed by the competency requirements in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.
  7. 4 November 2021

    Record keeping self assessment tool

    Keeping accurate records of the financial advice you provide helps maintain a relationship of transparency and trust with your clients. It also ensures you can provide evidence of how you have complied with your licensee obligations as and when required. Use this self-assessment tool to see if you’re ready to complete the record keeping section of your Class 1 or Class 2 FAP full licence application. It should help you identify areas of strength or weakness in your full licence preparation so you can seek further help or advice and address any gaps before you apply.
  8. 30 April 2021

    CoFR Consumer Vulnerability Framework April 2021

    Members of the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR)1 have agreed on a common understanding of the characteristics of a vulnerable consumer. We are presenting this as a framework to help industry in developing their own approaches to assisting vulnerable consumers. This framework is non-binding and serves as a guideline only. We would anticipate firms to consult widely in developing their own terminology, procedures, and processes for assisting vulnerable consumers. These should focus on the evolving needs of the consumers they serve, should be appropriate for their business and in accordance with any specific legislative requirements.
  9. 4 October 2021

    Self assessment tool cyber security and BCP

    Planning for all types of risk is an essential part of any business. As a financial advice provider, clients rely on you to ensure their information is secure, confidential, and available at all times. By taking the time to prepare for the unexpected, you’ll be able to get back on your feet quickly, protecting both your clients and your business. Use this self-assessment tool to see if you’re ready to complete the cyber security and business continuity planning section of your Class 1 or Class 2 FAP full licence application. It should help you identify areas of strength or weakness in your full licence preparation so you can seek further help or advice and address any gaps before you apply. *