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Found 1867 results. Displaying page 24 of 125

  1. 13 November 2023

    Make a protected disclosure (whistleblowing)

    If you believe there has been serious wrongdoing in relation to the financial markets by the organisation you work for, you can make a protected disclosure (whistle blowing).
  2. 26 October 2023

    Releases from the Minister

    The FMA reports to the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. View the latest press releases from the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on the website.
  3. 18 October 2023

    Exemption Notice - Financial Markets Conduct (Product Disclosure Statements in Te Reo Māori and English) Exemption Notice 2023

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Product Disclosure Statements in Te Reo Māori and English) Exemption Notice 2023 provides an exemption for issuers of financial products who wish to provide their PDS in both te reo Māori and English, providing relief from the requirements in the FMC Regulations relating to the prescribed length limits and, if necessary, some prescribed statements and formatting.
  4. 16 October 2023


    Articles published by the FMA can be found on this page.
  5. 12 October 2023

    Unregistered businesses

    The FMA publishes the names of unregistered businesses that have been reported as offering financial services to New Zealanders.
  6. 4 October 2023

    Guidance for keeping proper climate related disclosure records

    This guidance note is for entities that have climate-related disclosure obligations under Part 7A of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. It is intended to help climate reporting entities (CREs) meet their statutory requirement to keep proper climate-related disclosure records at all times.
  7. 3 October 2023

    Compliance approach

    FMA takes a risk-based approach to our monitoring and surveillance activities, meaning we prioritise resources to those participants or practices that present the greatest risk to fair, efficient and transparent financial markets.