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  1. 27 June 2019

    Asia Region Funds Passport

    New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Korea and Thailand have agreed to establish and implement what is known as the Asia Region Funds Passport. Once implemented, the passport will allow a managed fund based in one jurisdiction to be offered more easily to investors in other participating jurisdictions.
  2. 23 May 2019

    Superannuation products

    Superannuation schemes are managed fund investments. When you save via a superannuation scheme, your money is pooled with other New Zealander’s in your scheme and is spread across different kinds of investments. Some schemes offer additional benefits such as life or disability insurance. If you’re considering joining a workplace savings scheme instead of KiwiSaver, make sure you compare the benefits first.
  3. 1 May 2019

    Financial reporting reviews 2019

    This statement outlines our approach to financial reporting reviews, and highlights selected areas of interest for 2019/20 reviews.
  4. 9 April 2019

    Mark Talbot - Enforceable Undertaking

    Mr Talbot has offered this enforceable undertaking following an investigation made by the FMA into his trading of shares in VMob Group Limited (VMob). 3 April 2019.