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Found 1822 results. Displaying page 29 of 122

  1. 26 June 2023

    CoFI intermediated distribution submissions report

    Submissions report: Proposed guidance on CoFI intermediated distribution. Collation of written feedback received as part of the FMA’s public consultation on the proposed CoFI (Conduct of Financial Institutions) guidance note on intermediated distribution.
  2. 12 June 2023

    Exemption notice - Fonterra capital return

    The exemption Notice exempts Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Fonterra) from Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the FMC Act), in relation to a capital return and contemporaneous share subdivision, pursuant to a court-approved scheme of arrangement.
  3. 9 June 2023

    KiwiSaver & Superannuation

    This section of the FMA website talks about the New Zealand superannuation scheme, KiwiSaver and how to manage your KiwiSaver to achieve your retirement goals. We also provide you with information about other superannuation schemes, and how to transfer your overseas retirement fund to New Zealand.