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  1. 6 October 2021

    Persons spreadsheet - Supporting document for Auditors

    Persons spreadsheet - Supporting document for Auditors. Complete the relevant columns giving a list of all partners indicating those who are members of a professional body and those who hold practising certificate, the name and website address of the professional body and a link to, any publicly available online register of members published by the body.
    Authorised body under a FAP, Roles, Business
    Spreadsheet, Submission form
  2. 6 October 2021

    Adviser profile – Christine Hay on her FAP licensing journey

    Christine Hay, sole adviser for and Managing Director of Hawke’s Bay financial advice provider, Financial Sense Limited talkks to the FMA about becoming a fully licensed financial advice provider.
    Licensing & registration, Roles, Financial Advice Provider, Article, Business, News & Insights
  3. 6 October 2021


    The FMA will provide you with an opportunity for a hearing in person in certain circumstances if you are impacted by a decision of the FMA. If you have the right to a hearing, we will let you know. This page outlines our approach to conducting hearings and explains the process we follow if you are entitled to a hearing and request one.
    Activity, Enforcement
  4. 5 October 2021

    Consultation on 2021 Financial Markets Authority funding and levy review

    Since establishment in 2011, the FMA’s role and our responsibilities and statutory functions have increased significantly. MBIE and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) are consulting on proposed changes to the FMA’s funding and the FMA levy. The funding review has been subject to a Deloitte independent assessment and Deloitte’s findings are published alongside the consultation materials on the MBIE website.
    Directors, Roles, Consultations, Climate related disclosure, Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (CoFI), Financial Institutions, Authorised body under a FAP, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
  5. 4 October 2021

    The website is currently not operative but we believe there were false claims made on this website that they are connected with a company incorporated in New Zealand – Bit Management Limited. Bit Management Limited has confirmed that they do not operate and are not associated with this website.
    Imposter website, Suspected scam, Consumer, Scams
  6. 4 October 2021

    Avan Investment

    We are concerned that Avan Investment is involved in a scam. There are false and misleading claims on its website that Avan Investment is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We do not believe these statements are true.
    Suspected scam, Consumer, Scams
  7. 4 October 2021

    Self assessment tool cyber security and BCP

    Planning for all types of risk is an essential part of any business. As a financial advice provider, clients rely on you to ensure their information is secure, confidential, and available at all times. By taking the time to prepare for the unexpected, you’ll be able to get back on your feet quickly, protecting both your clients and your business.
    Use this self-assessment tool to see if you’re ready to complete the cyber security and business continuity planning section of your Class 1 or Class 2 FAP full licence application. It should help you identify areas of strength or weakness in your full licence preparation so you can seek further help or advice and address any gaps before you apply. *
    Financial Advice Provider, Licensing & registration, Roles, Business
  8. 4 October 2021

    Sterling Specialist

    WARNING: Sterling Specialist is not a New Zealand registered entity or licensed by the FMA. As such, we recommend exercising caution when dealing with this entity.
    Investor warning, Unregistered business, Consumer
  9. 4 October 2021

    DIY investors encouraged to ‘take a mo’ before giving in to FOMO

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) - Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko is urging DIY online investors to pause before succumbing to investment FOMO as part of World Investor Week (4-10 October).
    Investing, Media release, Consumer, News & Insights
  10. 4 October 2021

    FMA investor profile - Sonya Gupthan

    Our latest investor profile focusses on Sonya Gupthan, one of the stars and co-hosts of the hit Girls that Invest, podcast.
    Investor information, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  11. 4 October 2021

    World Investor Week 2021

    The FMA supports World Investor Week 2021 with panels, webinars and content. Read more.
    World Investor Week, Investing, Campaigns, Consumer