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  1. 1 September 2014

    Governance under Part 4 of the FMC Act guidance

    This guidance note is for Issuers of debt securities, managers of investment schemes and their supervisors. It gives guidance on the expectations of the FMA on your approach to governance and accountability responsibilities that apply to Part 4 of the FMC Act 2015.
  2. 1 September 2014

    Superannuation Schemes Report 2014

    This report has been prepared in accordance with section 28 of the Act and details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 (the Reporting Period). It is produced solely in respect of registered superannuation schemes and does not include any KiwiSaver scheme data. The FMA has prepared a separate report for KiwiSaver schemes in respect of the Reporting Period.
  3. 30 August 2014

    Creation of new unit trusts during transition period information sheet 2014

    This information sheet responds to queries by market participants about the ability to create new unit trust schemes under the Unit Trusts Act 1960 between 1 December 2014 and 30 November 2015. FMA’s opinion is that persons creating unit trusts between 1 December 2014 and 1 December 2015 can choose between regimes.
  4. 30 August 2014

    Guidance - One off Issuers

    This information sheet clarifies when one-off or occasional issuers must register on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 (in addition to any disclosure obligations that they may have under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013).
  5. 3 July 2014

    Review of non-filing of financial statements

    The purpose of this report is to remind directors of their statutory financial reporting obligations under the Financial Reporting Act 1993 (FRA), remind brokers and directors of the statutory filing obligations under the Securities Act (Contributory Mortgage) Regulations 1988, inform market participants of the findings of our review and highlight areas of concern, and inform market participants of FMA’s future focus in this area.