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  1. 29 June 2021

    ICE Futures Europe general obligations review 2021

    The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is IFEU’s primary regulator. Our review therefore focuses on whether the FCA was satisfied with IFEU’s compliance during the review period. 2021 ICE Futures Europe general obligations review
  2. 29 June 2021

    ICE Futures US general obligations review 2021

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is IFUS’s primary regulator. Our review therefore focuses on whether the CFTC was satisfied with IFUS’s compliance during the review period. 2019-2020 ICE Futures US general obligations review.
  3. 24 June 2021

    Statement of Performance Expectations 2021 to 2022

    Our Statement of Performance Expectations outlines our short-term (annual) performance targets. It should be read in conjunction with our Statement of Intent. This is the 2021 to 2022 report.
  4. 24 June 2021

    Investor capability and consumer insights

    Capable, confident and well-informed investors are an essential part of healthy financial markets. Part of the FMA's role is to help investors build this capability and to seek insights from both investors and consumers of other financial services. This page explains the objective of the FMA in building customer capability and how we approach our work in building a safe and transparent financial market.
  5. 24 June 2021

    How to operate

    Getting prepared for licensing covers: who will need a licence under the new financial advice regime; the different ways to operate under the new regime, and provides an easy-to-navigate tool that will help guide you through the options if you're unsure how you wish to operate. See more.
  6. 22 June 2021

    MIS liquidity risk management review

    This report contains recommendations on liquidity stress testing frameworks, processes and procedures, following the August 2020 self-assessment survey completed by regulated entities for a two-year period ending 31 December 2019. It will be useful for directors, senior management and investment personnel of managed investment schemes.
  7. 16 June 2021

    Financial advice lender exclusion updated 2021

    This information sheet explains the circumstances that may exclude a lender from some Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) obligations related to financial advice. The exclusion applies only in relation to consumer credit contracts and certain credit-related insurance contracts. Updated documented published 16/06/21