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Found 6604 results. Displaying page 439 of 441

  1. 4 July 2005

    Monaco Village Holdings Limited

    This undertaking is offered to the Securities Commission for acceptance under section 69J of the Securities Act 1978 by Monaco Village Holdings Limited and its directors (Robert Michael Gepp and Roderick Hugh Duke) after unintentional contravention of Securities Act 1978 and Securities Regulations 1983. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  2. 21 February 2005

    South Pacific Energy Limited and Calgary Petroleum

    South Pacific and Calgary offered undertakings to the Securities Commission after Commissions concern that they may have offered securities to the public in contravention of the Securities Act. The undertakings will ensure that no such breaches occur in the future. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement