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Found 1821 results. Displaying page 75 of 122

  1. 22 November 2018

    Portfolio Superannuation Scheme Levy Waiver

    On 22 November 2018, the FMA granted a waiver of part of the FMA levy to Portfolio Superannuation Scheme, which is comprised of the Personal Plans, with Saturn Invest New Zealand Limited (Saturn) acting as the manager of the Scheme.
  2. 15 November 2018

    Bank Conduct and Culture Report 2018

    The FMA and the RBNZ commissioned Buzz Channel to conduct an online survey among New Zealanders to understand their experience of the conduct and culture of the main bank they use for their personal banking. This is the report.
  3. 13 November 2018


    Crowdfunding works by many people (the crowd) putting in small amounts of money to raise funds for a company or project. When you put money into an equity crowdfunding project, you're buying shares. Typically this will be in small or start-up businesses, meaning you become a part owner of the business. It's important to understand the risks of investing in crowdfunding. Read more here.
  4. 1 November 2018

    Bank Conduct and Culture Review

    Findings from the 2018 FMA and RBNZ review of conduct and culture in New Zealand retail banks. The overall objective of this review was to understand whether there are widespread conduct and culture issues present in banks in New Zealand.
  5. 24 October 2018

    Ease of doing business survey 2018

    The FMA’s “Ease of doing business survey” is a piece of research from a sample of our regulated populations and the stakeholders we deal with. This research helps us to better understand the impact that our work has on market participants and stakeholders. It informs the way we work and our focus on continuous improvement in our effectiveness and efficiency.