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Found 1856 results. Displaying page 30 of 124

  1. 27 June 2023

    NZX Obligations Review 2023

    Findings from the FMA's review of how well NZX is meeting its licensed market operator obligations, for the period 1 January to 31 December 2022.
  2. 27 June 2023

    Staff Statistics OIA

    OIA request for Statistics on Staff salaries, turnover and diversity.
  3. 26 June 2023

    CoFI Intermediated Distribution guidance note

    CoFI guidance note: Intermediated distribution. This guidance note is for financial institutions. It gives guidance on the FMA’s expectations when financial institutions distribute products and services through intermediaries.
  4. 26 June 2023

    CoFI intermediated distribution submissions report

    Submissions report: Proposed guidance on CoFI intermediated distribution. Collation of written feedback received as part of the FMA’s public consultation on the proposed CoFI (Conduct of Financial Institutions) guidance note on intermediated distribution.