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  1. 26 July 2022

    Warning: operating a term-deposit scam

    WARNING: We are concerned that this scam operation is targeting New Zealand residents and offering investment in a term deposit. It is claimed that the investment is offered by Citibank, N.A. which is not true.
    Imposter website, Suspected scam, Scams
  2. 26 July 2022

    Ethical Investment Journey Research

    This report contains findings from a qualitative study interviewing a range of New Zealanders about their experience with ethical* investments. It covers the underlying factors that drive people toward considering an ethical investment (KiwiSaver or managed fund) and their experiences of navigating the different providers and products on offer. It also provides detail on specific triggers and difficulties during people’s journey toward buying ethical investments. It covers the types of information people find most useful, challenges facing potential ethical investors, and factors providers should consider to improve people’s experience. Ethical Investment Journey Research - July 2022.
    Reports and Papers, Ethical finance, Business, FMA, News & Insights
    PDF, Report, Research
  3. 26 July 2022

    Integrated financial products Review of managed fund documentation

    Findings from a review of the effectiveness of disclosure information from a sample of managed investment funds labelled or marketed as being integrated financial products (e.g. sustainable, ethical, green)
    Ethical finance, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
  4. 25 July 2022

    Bank regulatory capital

    Registered banks in New Zealand must hold a certain amount of ‘capital’ to make them less likely to go out of business. This is called regulatory capital, and banks offer financial products to raise this money. Find out more about the risks and common terms here.
    Ways to invest, Investing, Bank regulatory capital, Consumer
  5. 22 July 2022

    Exemption Notice - The City of London Investment Trust plc

    The Financial Markets Conduct (The City of London Investment Trust plc) Exemption Notice 2022, exempts The City of London Investment Trust plc from certain financial reporting obligations in Part 7 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
    Exemptions, Business
    PDF, Exemption notice
  6. 21 July 2022

    Corporate publications

    The FMA releases a number of Corporate Publications each year. Find the latest Annual Report, Annual Corporate Plan, Statement of Performance Expectations, FMA Outlook and Statement of Intent on this page.
    FMA Outlook, FMA
    Page, Corporate publications, Annual report, Statement of intent, Annual corporate plan, Statement of Performance Expectations
  7. 21 July 2022


    Research conducted by the FMA about financial service providers, products and consumers is published on this page.
    News, News & Insights
    Page, Research
  8. 21 July 2022

    Regulatory approach

    We expect all market participants to pursue the objectives and spirit of regulation rather than the letter of the law. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. Where we see misconduct in financial markets, we seek to hold those responsible to account. These pages provide you more information on our regulatory and enforcement approach.
    Regulation, Regulatory cooperation, Business, FMA
  9. 20 July 2022

    FMA opens consultation on standard conditions for financial institution licences

    Consultation paper on proposed standard conditions for licences granted under the Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Act 2022.
    Banking, Consultations, Insurance Providers, Media release, Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (CoFI), Managed Investment Schemes, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  10. 20 July 2022

    Managing your investment

    The longer your investment timeframe, the more the value of your investments can compound upwards and grow. Learn how to get the most out of your investments here.
    Investing, Investment basics, Consumer