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  1. 26 June 2024

    Statement of Performance Expectations 2024 to 2025

    This SPE sets out our financial forecast for the financial year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. It is prepared in line with the Crown Entities Act 2004 and should be read together with the FMA’s Statement of Intent 2024-2028
    PDF, Corporate publications, Statement of Performance Expectations
  2. 26 June 2024

    KiwiSaver statements help you plan for tomorrow

    Now is the time to check your KiwiSaver statement. It will arrive in the letter box, email, or via your provider’s KiwiSaver app. Don’t put it in a drawer! It’s not a bill, it’s a tool to help you plan.
    Article, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Opinion, Consumer, News & Insights
  3. 26 June 2024

    FMA Update

    We provide regular communications as part of our efforts to ensure you have access to the appropriate resources to help you make informed decisions – whether you are an industry professional or regular investor. Our monthly market update is called the FMA Update. Subscribe here.
    Campaigns, News & Insights
  4. 25 June 2024

    Time for your annual KiwiSaver health check

    The FMA and the Retirement Commission are together calling on KiwiSaver members to check their annual statements this year and see if they are on track for their retirement savings goals.
    Media release, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer, News & Insights
  5. 25 June 2024

    NZX meets its market operator licence requirements – FMA report

    The annual NZX Market Operator Obligations Review, released today, assesses how well the NZX is meeting the requirements for its market operator licence.
    Media release, Obligations, Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights, Market operator
  6. 25 June 2024

    NZX Review Report

    NZX Review report outlines our annual review of how well NZX is meeting its statutory obligations. View the 2024 report along with previous reports on this page.
    Roles, Reports and Papers, Business, Market operator, News & Insights
    Page, Report
  7. 25 June 2024

    NZX Obligations Review 2024

    Findings from the FMA's review of how well NZX is meeting its licensed market operator obligations, for the period 1 January to 31 December 2023.
    Reports and Papers, Roles, News, Business, Market operator, News & Insights
  8. 24 June 2024

    Spotlight on: Balanced Funds

    The FMA editorial team talks about managed funds in this article. “A balanced fund usually has moderate risk, so you’re not risking as much uncertainty of achieving your investing goals or as much potential for loss by being in one. But remember to check your fund type is still good for your situation – if you’re getting closer to retirement or buying that first home, it’s time to start thinking about a more conservative fund.”
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  9. 24 June 2024

    Spotlight on: Growth Funds

    Growth funds are best if you need higher growth in your investment over the long term. The FMA editorial team talks about growth funds in this article.
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  10. 24 June 2024

    Spotlight on: Conservative Funds

    The most important thing you can do with your KiwiSaver is make sure you’re in the right fund. The FMA editorial team talks about conservative funds in this article. Find out what a conservative fund is, and who it is most suited for.
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  11. 24 June 2024

    KiwiSaver 2024: Check in with your nest egg

    Check in with your nest egg is the FMA's 2024 KiwiSaver campaign. We are calling on all KiwiSavers to do a health check on their KiwiSaver to make sure it's working for you.
    Campaigns, Investing, Consumer
  12. 20 June 2024

    Auditor regulation and oversight plan

    This plan will help licensed auditors, registered audit firms and accredited bodies to understand how FMA will approach auditor regulation. View the 2024-2027 report on this page as well as previous reports.
    Roles, Auditors, Regulation, Reports and Papers, Directors, Business, Accredited bodies, News & Insights
    Page, Information Sheet
  13. 20 June 2024

    Auditor Regulation and Oversight Plan 2024 2027

    This document is for: Registered auditors, Accredited bodies, People who prepare financial statements for FMC reporting entities, Directors of FMC reporting entities
    Auditors, Regulation, Roles, Business
    PDF, Report
  14. 20 June 2024

    Advisory: FMA publishes Auditor Regulation and Oversight Plan

    The Auditor Regulation and Oversight Plan 2024-2027 plan is similar to last year’s. As the FMA has moved to annual monitoring of audit firms, rather than periodic reviews previously, our approach is continuously updated where appropriate.
    Media release, Auditors, Directors, Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, Accredited bodies, News & Insights
    Page, Information Sheet
  15. 19 June 2024

    Jacco Moison - Understanding and using new climate-related disclosures

    What sort of information do you need about a company or a fund before you put money into it? Financial performance, forecasts, plans and strategies for the future?
    Article, Climate related disclosure, Opinion, Roles, Ethical finance, Ways to invest, Investing, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights