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  1. 8 December 2023

    McEwen and Associates Permanent Stop Order

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has made a permanent stop order against David Elgar McEwen and entities associated with him (McEwen and Associates).
  2. 30 November 2023

    Regulatory co-operation

    The FMA co-ordinates our efforts and we share intelligence with other government agencies via the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR). Find out more about the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR) and other global agencies we co-operate with here.
  3. 29 November 2023


    This section of the FMA website contains information about investment scams, how to protect yourself from scammers, how to report a scam, examples of real life scam stories and provides a list of current scam warnings.
  4. 24 November 2023

    RBNZ and FMA Governance Thematic Webinar plus QA

    The FMA and RBNZ held a webinar in October on the findings from the review with directors of entities that did not participate in the Governance review. All findings are documented in this PDF.