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Found 3852 results. Displaying page 96 of 257

  1. 22 July 2022

    Exemption Notice - The City of London Investment Trust plc

    The Financial Markets Conduct (The City of London Investment Trust plc) Exemption Notice 2022, exempts The City of London Investment Trust plc from certain financial reporting obligations in Part 7 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
    Exemptions, Business
    PDF, Exemption notice
  2. 21 July 2022

    Regulatory approach

    We expect all market participants to pursue the objectives and spirit of regulation rather than the letter of the law. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. Where we see misconduct in financial markets, we seek to hold those responsible to account. These pages provide you more information on our regulatory and enforcement approach.
    Regulation, Regulatory cooperation, Business, FMA
  3. 20 July 2022

    FMA opens consultation on standard conditions for financial institution licences

    Consultation paper on proposed standard conditions for licences granted under the Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Act 2022.
    Banking, Consultations, Insurance Providers, Media release, Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (CoFI), Managed Investment Schemes, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  4. 15 July 2022

    GEK Property Management DBG

    GEK Property Management DBG including: Vulcan Mortgage (No. 3) Limited Partnership, Vulcan Mortgage Limited Partnership, Vulcan Mortgage (No. 2) Limited Partnership, GEK Property Management Limited, Mortgage Holdings Limited, and PFS Mortgage Portfolio Limited Partnership
    Roles, AML/CFT, Reporting entities, Business, Designated Business Group (DBG)
  5. 12 July 2022

    Self assessment tool complaints handling

    Use this self-assessment tool to see if you’re ready to complete the complaints handling section of your Class 1 or Class 2 FAP full licence application. It should help you identify areas of strength or weakness in your full licence preparation so you can seek further help or advice and address any gaps before you apply.
    Authorised body under a FAP, Financial Advice Provider, Roles, Business
  6. 11 July 2022

    Approach to oversight of financial statements

    In this document we provide a summary of our main work in monitoring compliance with financial reporting obligations by FMC reporting entities and registered schemes (regulated entities) from 2022-2025.
    Auditors, Directors, Roles, Business
    PDF, Financial reporting
  7. 11 July 2022

    Class legislative notice summary 2022

    This is a summary of the Financial Markets Conduct Act class legislative notices we have granted as
    at 1 June 2022. It includes exemptions, designations, frameworks or methodologies, and public
    accountability notices.
    Designations, FMC Act, Exemptions, Legislation, Business
  8. 8 July 2022

    '5 mins with the FMA' podcast #1: Cyber resilience

    In this FMA podcast, James Greig discusses the “Cyber Security & Operational Systems Resilience” information sheet.
    Directors, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Financial Adviser, Banking, Insurance, Roles, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, Market operator, News & Insights, Peer-to-peer lending service providers
    Page, Podcast
  9. 8 July 2022

    Approach to oversight of financial statements

    In this document we provide a summary of our main work in monitoring compliance with financial reporting obligations by FMC reporting entities and registered schemes (regulated entities) from 2022-2025.
    Auditors, Directors, Roles, Climate related disclosure, Climate Reporting Entities, Business
    Page, Financial reporting, Guidance
  10. 5 July 2022

    FMA DIMS SC2 consultation feedback form

    Feedback form for consultation paper: Proposed variation to Standard Condition 2 of Standard Conditions for DIMS licences – Incidental financial advice
    Consultations, Business
    Word document, Feedback form