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  1. 3 July 2018

    Class legislative notice summary 2018

    This is a summary of the Financial Markets Conduct Act and Financial Adviser Act class legislative notices we have granted as at 2 July 2018. It includes exemptions, designations, frameworks or methodologies, and public accountability notices.
  2. 3 July 2018

    Disclosure of significant accounting estimates

    This information sheet explains our expectations on disclosure of significant accounting estimates. It is part of our work on improving the overall quality of information being disclosed in financial statements.
  3. 2 July 2018

    QFE insurance providers’ replacement business practices

    This thematic review published in July 2018 focuses on QFE insurance providers’ replacement business practices and assesses how their policies and procedures are designed to ensure consumer protection at the point of policy replacement.
  4. 28 June 2018

    NZX Obligations Review 2018

    Under the FMC Act, we are required to review at least annually how well a licensed market operator is meeting its obligations, and to publish a written report. Broadly, these relate to the areas of operation that are regulatory in nature. Publishing the report provides transparency into our oversight of NZX. This report was published in 2018.
  5. 11 June 2018

    Publishing default information for peer to peer lending services 2018

    This guide contains information to help peer-to-peer licensees understand and meet the minimum licensing standard to publish default rate information. It sets out what ‘default’ means, when licensees must comply with the standard and guidelines on how to publish fair, clear and transparent information.
  6. 7 June 2018

    Auditor regulation and oversight plan 2018-2021

    FMA has an obligation to publish an auditor regulation and oversight plan by 30 June each year, for a three year period, setting out our intentions for the regulation and oversight of auditors under the Act. This plan will help licensed auditors, registered audit firms and accredited bodies to understand how FMA will approach auditor regulation. It may also be of interest to issuers, investors and their advisers.
  7. 30 May 2018

    Compliance assurance programmes information sheet

    The information sheet is for entities holding or applying for a licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, and anyone involved in the creation, implementation and ongoing operation of a compliance assurance programme.
  8. 23 May 2018

    Consultation Same Class Offers ASX NZX Exemption Notice 2018

    This consultation paper is for those who issue and offer listed financial products, investors, legal advisers, and other interested parties. It seeks feedback on a proposed exemption for same class offers of ASX/NZX-quoted financial products.