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  1. 12 November 2020

    Audit Quality Director's Guide 2020

    The Audit Quality Directors Guide 2020 handbook is aimed at directors of FMCreporting entities. It sets out how you, as a director, can contribute to the quality of your audit, as well as what you can expect from the FMA and your auditor.
  2. 30 October 2020

    Consultation KiwiSaver Fees and Value for Money

    This consultation seeks input from KiwiSaver managers, KiwiSaver supervisors, other MIS managers, and other interested parties, on the regulatory approach to the statutory requirement that KiwiSaver fees must not be unreasonable and the related overarching statutory duties.
  3. 30 September 2020

    Consultation Auditor Regulation Act Replacement and Amendments

    This consultation is for: licensed auditors and registered audit firms, accredited bodies, and other interested parties. Itseek views from licensed auditors and registered audit firms on the proposed revocation of the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012 and Amendment Notice 2015, and introduction of the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2020.
  4. 25 September 2020

    Kiwisaver Annual Report 2020

    The report details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the year ended 30 June 2020, and contains the sixth annual summary of the statistical returns, required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act.
  5. 23 September 2020

    Supervision Insights Report 2020

    An overview of the FMA’s supervision activities and findings from our monitoring reviews of regulated entities. This is our 2020 report.