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  1. 13 November 2023

    Financial Market Infrastructures Act Designation Notice NZ Clear 2023

    This notice is issued under Clause 4 of Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Infrastructures Act 2021 by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Financial Markets Authority.
    Financial market infrastructures, Market operator, Roles, Business
  2. 13 December 2021

    FMA cancels financial advice provider’s transitional licence

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) - Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko has cancelled the transitional financial advice provider (FAP) licence of Wisdom House Investment Partners Limited, after its sole financial adviser engaged in serious misconduct at his previous employer.
    Financial Adviser, Roles, Enforceable action, Media release, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  3. 25 July 2017

    Offering financial products in New Zealand and Australia under mutual recognition (MRSO) regulatory guide

    This is a guide for New Zealand and Australian issuers offering financial products or interests in managed or collective investment schemes in both countries.
    It explains what issuers have to do under the trans-Tasman mutual recognition scheme for offers of financial products.
    This is a joint guide published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
    Financial Adviser, Roles, Derivative Issuer, Business
    PDF, Guidance
  4. 22 December 2015

    Development of legislative tools to support the FMC Act regime

    In order to fully implement the FMC Act we have been considering matters which may require support from class exemptions, frameworks, or methodologies and designations (the FMA’s legislative tools).
    Regulation updates, FMC Act, Legislation, Business
  5. 24 January 2019

    NZX & FMA initiate industry review: Capital Markets 2029

    NZX and FMA have initiated an industry-led review of New Zealand’s capital markets. Capital Markets 2029 is designed to deliver a ten-year vision and growth agenda for the sector.
    Media release, Roles, Business, News & Insights, Market operator
  6. 31 July 2023

    Standards for designated Financial Market Infrastructures

    The standards for designated FMIs were issued on 27 July 2023 under sections 31 and 34 of the Financial Market Infrastructures Act 2021 (the FMI Act) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Financial Markets Authority acting jointly as the regulator under section 9 of the FMI Act. The standards come into effect starting from 1 March 2024.
    Financial market infrastructures, Roles, Business
  7. 18 December 2017

    Financial Markets Conduct (Financial Statements for Schemes Consisting Only of Separate Funds) Exemption Notice 2017

    The exemption granted by Financial Markets Conduct (Financial Statements for Schemes Consisting Only of Separate Funds) Exemption Notice 2017 exempts the manager of some schemes from the requirement to prepare financial statements for the scheme (as opposed to financial statements for each of the separate funds) provided the criteria in clause 5 are met.
    Exemptions, Secondary legislation, Business