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  1. 18 June 2014

    FMA releases guide to help smaller financial adviser businesses with the licensing process for DIMS

    Following changes to the regulation of Discretionary Investment Management Services (DIMS) announced Monday 16 June, by Commerce Minister, Craig Foss, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has released a guide to help advisers and small businesses who want to apply for a licence to provide DIMS under the Financial Markets Conduct Act
    Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Media release, Roles, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  2. 19 May 2016

    FMA legislative notices supporting the FMC Act regime

    To support businesses implementing the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act), the FMA has been working, in consultation with the sector, on various legislative tools such as exemptions, frameworks, methodologies, public accountability notices, and designations (the FMA’s legislative tools).
    Regulation updates, Business
  3. 3 February 2023

    Consultation: Proposed guidance on reasonable grounds for financial advice about IPOs and listed equity securities

    We are consulting on proposed guidance that explains the FMA’s approach to applying and enforcing Code Standard 3 of the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services, in relation to financial advice about Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and listed equity securities.
    Consultations, Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Business, Nominated representatives
  4. 25 October 2018

    FMA publishes annual report 2018

    FMA annual report for the financial year ending June 30 2018. The report highlights a number of key activities that took place in the year, including the launch of the joint FMA/RBNZ Culture and Conduct review of banks and life insurers.
    Governance, Media release, FMA, News & Insights
  5. 21 December 2022

    Enforcing the law

    Enforcement and deterrence is a critical part of the work that the FMA undertakes. It plays a key role in raising standards and responding to conduct that presents the greatest risk of harm to our financial markets. Find out more about our approach to enforcement here.
    Regulation, Compliance, Enforceable action, Business, Enforcement
  6. 21 December 2022

    Enforcing the law

    Enforcement and deterrence is a critical part of the work that the FMA undertakes. It plays a key role in raising standards and responding to conduct that presents the greatest risk of harm to our financial markets. Find out more about our approach to enforcement here.
    Regulation, Compliance, Enforceable action, Business, Enforcement
  7. 20 May 2022

    All legislation overseen by the FMA

    FMA oversees a range of legislation. We also have certain powers, monitor compliance, investigate and enforce conduct that may consitute a contravention of other legislation where it applies to financial market firms and individuals. View all legislation we oversee on this page.
    Legislation, Business
  8. 20 June 2023

    Focus areas

    The FMA uses a range of tools to support the functioning of financial markets and services, and compliance with legislation. This section contains information about conduct regulation, ethical finance, climate related disclosures, innovation in financial markets, AML/CFT and consultations. 
    AML/CFT, Offer information, Consultations, Exemptions, Roles, Conduct, Designations, Ethical finance, Business, FMA
  9. 11 August 2023

    Enforcement Activity

    Through our investigation and enforcement activities we aim to raise standards of behaviour, deter misconduct, and hold to account those whose conduct harms the fair, efficient and transparent operation of our financial markets. View our list of enforcement actions and cases on this page.
    Cases, Enforceable action, Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  10. 8 September 2014

    Consultation Paper: Derivatives Issuer Standard Condition on Suitability - Suitability of products for clients

    In November 2013 the Financial Markets Authority consulted on the minimum standards and conditions for derivatives issuers wishing to be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). As part of that consultation we sought responses on a condition relating to the assessment of suitability of products for clients. Two options were provided, one being disclosure based and the other an assessment by the issuer.
    Derivative Issuer, Consultations, Roles, Business
  11. 13 April 2015

    Response to Submissions Derivatives Issuer Standard Condition: Suitability of Products for Clients

    In November 2013 we consulted on the minimum standards and conditions for derivatives issuers wishing to
    be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). As part of that consultation we sought feedback on a condition relating to the assessment of suitability of products for clients. Two options were provided, one being disclosure based and the other an assessment by the issuer.
    Derivative Issuer, Consultations, Roles, FMC Act, Legislation, Business
  12. 2 June 2017

    Amendment Notice 2017 FMC Shares in Investment Companies Designation

    The amendment notice amends the Financial Markets Conduct (Shares in Investment Companies) Designation Notice 2017 which came into force on the 19 May 2017. The notice declares that certain shares in investment companies are managed investment products rather than equity securities for the purposes of the FMC Act, but the princepal notice does not apply to shares that are NZX Main Board shares.
    FMC Act, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Notice
  13. 27 January 2021

    Market Operator Obligations Targeted Review NZX

    As a licensed market operator, NZX is required to meet certain general obligations imposed under section 314 of the
    Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
    One of those obligations requires NZX to have sufficient technological resources to operate its licensed markets
    properly. This includes ensuring, to the extent reasonably practicable, the availability, security, capacity and
    maintenance of its trading platforms, settlement systems, internal market monitoring systems and other related
    Market operator, Reports and Papers, Monitoring, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  14. 23 June 2022

    Cyber Security and Operational Systems Resilience

    This information sheet assists market services licensees (excluding benchmark administrators) licensed under Part 6 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) to enhance the resilience of their cyber and operational systems. While this information sheet is designed to apply to a broad range of sectors, entities with complex cyber security and operational systems should consider the specific technology requirements and obligations that apply to their sector.
    Auditors, Roles, Financial market infrastructures, Financial Adviser, Financial Advice Provider, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Derivative Issuer, Directors, Cryptocurrencies, Crowdfunding providers, Client money or property services provider, Authorised body under a FAP, Business, Interposed persons under new financial advice regime, Managed investment schemes, Market operator, Peer-to-peer lending service providers
    Guidance, PDF
  15. 21 September 2021

    Review of credit card repayment insurance products

    In our 2019 Life Insurer Conduct and Culture review, we found that “certain products often provided poor value, and consequently poor outcomes for customers, because of limited benefits, and misunderstanding of coverage and eligibility”.
    We carried out this additional review to gain a better understanding of the suitability of CCRI for consumers.
    While most providers have withdrawn CCRI products from sale, there are still several hundred thousand existing policies, whose holders may not need or understand the product and are at risk of experiencing poor outcomes if they need to make a claim.
    Roles, Financial Institutions, Business
    PDF, Report