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  1. 1 December 2017

    AML/CFT interpreting ordinary course of business guideline

    This guideline is designed to help clarify the meaning of the phrase “in the ordinary course of business”. The meaning of this phrase is important if your business conducts one (or more) of the activities listed under the definitions of financial institution”, “designated non-financial business or profession”, and “high-value dealer” in the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML/CFT Act).
  2. 13 April 2015

    Response to Submissions Derivatives Issuer Standard Condition: Suitability of Products for Clients

    In November 2013 we consulted on the minimum standards and conditions for derivatives issuers wishing to be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). As part of that consultation we sought feedback on a condition relating to the assessment of suitability of products for clients. Two options were provided, one being disclosure based and the other an assessment by the issuer.
  3. 8 September 2014

    Consultation Paper: Derivatives Issuer Standard Condition on Suitability - Suitability of products for clients

    In November 2013 the Financial Markets Authority consulted on the minimum standards and conditions for derivatives issuers wishing to be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). As part of that consultation we sought responses on a condition relating to the assessment of suitability of products for clients. Two options were provided, one being disclosure based and the other an assessment by the issuer.
  4. 5 December 2024

    Cyber Security and Operational Systems Resilience

    This information sheet assists market services licensees (excluding benchmark administrators) licensed under Part 6 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) to enhance the resilience of their cyber and operational systems. While this information sheet is designed to apply to a broad range of sectors, entities with complex cyber security and operational systems should consider the specific technology requirements and obligations that apply to their sector.
  5. 20 October 2022

    Du Val Capital Partners Limited and Du Val BTR GP Limited - Formal Warning

    The FMA has issued a formal warning to Du Val Capital Partners Limited and Du Val BTR GP Limited following concerns that they may have failed to give disclosures to investors as required by Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 because they relied on the wholesale investor exclusion in circumstances where they were not entitled to. This is because some eligible investor certificates were incomplete.
  6. 27 January 2021

    Market Operator Obligations Targeted Review NZX

    As a licensed market operator, NZX is required to meet certain general obligations imposed under section 314 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). One of those obligations requires NZX to have sufficient technological resources to operate its licensed markets properly. This includes ensuring, to the extent reasonably practicable, the availability, security, capacity and maintenance of its trading platforms, settlement systems, internal market monitoring systems and other related systems.
  7. 1 November 2021

    Self assessment tool key outsourcing arrangements

    As a small business, we expect you’ll need to outsource some functions to third parties. It’s important that you protect your reputation and your clients by conducting robust background checks, putting contractual agreements in place, and performing regular reviews to ensure suppliers of key functions are up to the task and can meet your expectations and Financial Advice Provider (FAP) obligations. As a FAP, you remain responsible for any functions that you outsource.
  8. 16 July 2021

    Amended Identity Verification Code of Practice 2013

    This code of practice provides a suggested best practice for all reporting entities conducting name and date of birth identity verification on customers (that are natural persons) that have been assessed to be low to medium risk. Identification involves obtaining from the customer a range of information about him or her (“identity information”). Verification involves confirming some of that information against documents, data or information obtained from a reliable and independent source.
  9. 21 September 2021

    Review of credit card repayment insurance products

    In our 2019 Life Insurer Conduct and Culture review, we found that “certain products often provided poor value, and consequently poor outcomes for customers, because of limited benefits, and misunderstanding of coverage and eligibility”. We carried out this additional review to gain a better understanding of the suitability of CCRI for consumers. While most providers have withdrawn CCRI products from sale, there are still several hundred thousand existing policies, whose holders may not need or understand the product and are at risk of experiencing poor outcomes if they need to make a claim.
  10. 7 June 2017

    KiwiSaver annual statements methodology notice

    This notice comes into force on 2017 and applies to accounting periods of KiwiSaver schemes that commence on or after the commencement date of this notice. The notice sets out a methodology which managers of KiwiSaver schemes must comply with when calculating the approximate total sum of the fees paid by each of their scheme participants. This information (which must be expressed as a dollar amount) must be included in the confirmation information that KiwiSaver providers are required to provide to each scheme participant each year pursuant to the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act).
  11. 6 May 2020

    FMA XRB Enhanced auditor reporting 2020

    Enhanced auditor reporting is a joint FMA and XRB report that looks at the evolution of trends in key audit matter reporting in the three years since the revised auditor’s report was introduced. Key audit matters are issues that, in the auditor’s view, were of most significance to the audit of a company’s financial statements – for example, a company’s valuation of goodwill or its revenue recognition. KAMs are intended to provide transparency and give users of the financial statements a better understanding of how the audit was conducted and complexities that arose. This is the 2020 report.