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  1. 20 October 2022

    Wolfbrook Capital Limited - Formal Warning

    The FMA issued a formal warning to Wolfbrook Capital Limited following concerns that they may have failed to give disclosures to investors as required by Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 because it relied on the wholesale investor exclusion in circumstances where they were not entitled to.
  2. 20 October 2022

    Williams Corporation Capital Partnership GP Limited - Formal Warning

    The FMA issued a formal warning to Williams Corporation Capital Partnership GP Limited following concerns that it may have failed to give disclosures to investors as required by Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 because it relied on the wholesale investor exclusion in circumstances where they were not entitled to.
  3. 20 October 2022

    E+O Property Syndication Limited - Formal Warning

    The FMA issued a formal warning to E+O Property Syndication Limited following concerns that it may have failed to give disclosures to investors as required by Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 because it relied on the wholesale investor exclusion in circumstances where they were not entitled to.
  4. 29 June 2015

    NZX Obligations Review 2015

    The Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) requires the FMA to carry out a review, at least annually, of how well a licensed market operator is meeting the market operator obligations contained in section 314 of the FMC Act, and to publish a written report. This report was published in 2015.
  5. 18 October 2021

    Exemption Notice - Christchurch City Holdings Limited Sustainable Bond Offer

    The notice exempts Christchurch City Holdings Limited (CCHL), subject to conditions, from the disclosure, governance, and financial reporting requirements in Parts 3, 4 and 7 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act) in relation to offers of ‘sustainable’, ‘sustainability’, ‘green’ ‘social’, or similar bonds (Sustainable Bonds) issued under CCHL’s sustainability framework (Sustainability Framework).
  6. 19 March 2024

    Licensing application guide - DIMS Provider PART B4

    Your guide to applying for a DIMS market service licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. All the questions you’ll be asked, the minimum standards you’ll need to show you meet, and information about the details and supporting documents you’ll need to provide. Please make sure you read this guide in conjunction with our ‘Part A’ licensing guide.
  7. 19 March 2024

    Licensing application guide - Managed Investment Schemes (MIS) PART B3

    Your guide to applying for a Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. All the questions you’ll be asked, the minimum standards you’ll need to show you meet, and information about the details and supporting documents you’ll need to provide. Please make sure you read this guide in conjunction with our ‘Part A’ licensing guide.
  8. 19 March 2024

    Licensing application guide - Peer to peer licensing guide PART B2

    Your guide to applying for a Peer to Peer licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. All the questions you’ll be asked, the minimum standards you’ll need to show you meet, and information about the details and supporting documents you’ll need to provide. Please make sure you read this guide in conjunction with our ‘Part A’ licensing guide.
  9. 19 March 2024

    Licensing application guide - Independent trustee PART B6

    Your guide to applying for a Independent Trustees licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. All the questions you’ll be asked, the minimum standards you’ll need to show you meet, and information about the details and supporting documents you’ll need to provide. Please make sure you read this guide in conjunction with our ‘Part A’ licensing guide.
  10. 4 April 2023

    Effective disclosure guidance

    This guidance note is for Issuers of securities under the Securities Act 1978 pursuant to the transitional provisions of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. It is also for their directors and advisers. It gives guidance on the approach the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) intends to take in reviewing prospectuses and investment statements for compliance with the law.
  11. 29 October 2019

    FMA Model Litigant Policy

    This policy has been developed by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). It is a statement of principles and embodies the commitment made by FMA on how we will conduct litigation. It is intended to reflect the existing law and is not intended to amend the law or impose additional legal or professional obligations on legal practitioners or other individuals.
  12. 23 May 2017

    Licensing guide - FMC Act

    To offer certain financial products and services in New Zealand, you need to be licensed. Being licensed shows your customers you meet the legal eligibility criteria and levels of compliance in the Financial Markets Conduct Act (FMC Act). This guide provides you with an understanding of your obligations under the Act when applying for a licence with the FMA.
  13. 2 June 2017

    Amendment Notice 2017 FMC Shares in Investment Companies Designation

    The amendment notice amends the Financial Markets Conduct (Shares in Investment Companies) Designation Notice 2017 which came into force on the 19 May 2017. The notice declares that certain shares in investment companies are managed investment products rather than equity securities for the purposes of the FMC Act, but the princepal notice does not apply to shares that are NZX Main Board shares.
  14. 27 February 2015

    Issuers registers of regulated products and the FMAs discretion under section 224

    This information sheet outlines the requirements relating to issuers’ registers of regulated products under Subpart 4 of Part 4 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). It also sets out how the FMA will exercise its discretion to authorise an issuer to decline a request for a copy of a register under section 224 of the FMC Act.
  15. 20 October 2022

    Black Robin Equity Limited and Westwood Terraces BRE Limited - Formal Warning

    The FMA has issued a formal warning to Black Robin Equity Limited and Westwood Terraces BRE Limited following concerns that they may have failed to give disclosures to investors as required by Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 because they relied on the wholesale investor exclusion in circumstances where they were not entitled to. This is because some eligible investor certificates were incomplete.