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  1. 20 February 2017

    Conduct Outcomes Report 2016

    This report highlights the key issues and actions from our enforcement, supervision and preventative activities in the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
  2. 30 November 2022

    Fair Conduct Programmes information sheet

    This information sheet provides information and examples to help entities establish, implement and maintain their fair conduct programmes (FCPs). It will be useful for entities holding or applying for a licence to act as a financial institution under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act), and anyone involved in establishing, implementing and maintaining an FCP.
  3. 24 April 2020

    COVID19 CEO Conduct Letter 1

    A letter to CEOs explaining regulatory relief available during COVID-19 and expectations of the FMA during the period
  4. 1 November 2018

    Bank Conduct and Culture Review

    Findings from the 2018 FMA and RBNZ review of conduct and culture in New Zealand retail banks. The overall objective of this review was to understand whether there are widespread conduct and culture issues present in banks in New Zealand.
  5. 2 February 2017

    FMAs view of conduct guidance

    This guidance note is for: directors and executives of licensed financial services providers. The guide was published in 2017.
  6. 15 November 2018

    Bank Conduct and Culture Report 2018

    The FMA and the RBNZ commissioned Buzz Channel to conduct an online survey among New Zealanders to understand their experience of the conduct and culture of the main bank they use for their personal banking. This is the report.
  7. 12 December 2013

    Financial Conduct Authority United Kingdom - MOU

    MOU concerning consultation, cooperation and the exchange of information related to the supervision of AIFMD entities between the FMA and the Financial Conduct Authority United Kingdom
  8. 5 July 2022

    Exemption Notice - Financial Markets Conduct Goodman Group

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Goodman Group) Exemption Notice 2022 provides relief for a five year period in relation to the offer of stapled securities to employees in New Zealand under an employee incentive scheme.