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Found 2376 results. Displaying page 39 of 159

  1. 24 August 2023

    Financial Markets Conduct (Times-7 Group) Exemption Notice 2023

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Times-7 Group) Exemption Notice 2023 exempts Times-7 Holdings Limited and Times-7 Research Limited (together, the issuers) from compliance with the disclosure requirements of Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act).
    Exemptions, Business
    Page, Exemption notice, Current, Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions
  2. 24 August 2023

    Exemption Notice- Financial Markets Conduct Times-7 Group

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Times-7 Group) Exemption Notice 2023 exempts Times-7 Holdings Limited and Times-7 Research Limited (together, the issuers) from compliance with the disclosure requirements of Part 3 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act).
    FMC Act, Exemptions, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Exemption notice
  3. 30 August 2018

    Financial Markets Conduct (New Zealand Retirement Trust) Exemption Notice 2018

    Financial Markets Conduct (New Zealand Retirement Trust) Exemption Notice 2018 exempts AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited (specified manager) as manager of the New Zealand Retirement Trust (specified scheme) from the requirement to restrict membership of the workplace savings section, conditions apply. Read more.
    Exemptions, Business
  4. 24 February 2015

    Related-party transactions under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013

    Related-party transactions under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 information sheet outlines the rules on related-party transactions that apply to managed investment schemes under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
    Roles, Supervisors, Business, Managed investment schemes
    Page, Guidance