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Found 2376 results. Displaying page 102 of 159

  1. 28 February 2013

    FMA's Compliance Focus for 2013

    This document outlines the Financial Markets Authority’s (FMA’s) priority areas for monitoring and surveillance in 2013. It provides an opportunity for participants to assess their activities and take steps to improve behaviours and compliance controls in these areas.
    Roles, Reports and Papers, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Paper
  2. 28 July 2022

    Integrated financial products: Review of managed fund documentation

    Findings from a Financial Markets Authority review of the effectiveness of disclosure information from a sample of managed investment funds labelled or marketed as being integrated financial products (e.g. sustainable, ethical, green)
    Ethical finance, Roles, Reports and Papers, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights, Supervisor
  3. 7 August 2014

    Brian Peter Henry

    At the Auckland High Court, Mr Henry admitted FMA allegations that he breached the market manipulation prohibitions in the Securities Markets Act 1988, and a pecuniary penalty of $130,000 was imposed by the Court.
    Cases, Market manipulation, Enforcement
  4. 10 January 2020

    Market manipulation

    Market manipulation is where someone misleads (or attempts to mislead) the market by actions or omissions that give a false appearance of trading activity, supply, demand or the value of financial products. Read more in this article from the FMA.
    Shares, Ways to invest, Investing, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  5. 20 November 2014

    The FMA reports on its 12 month performance

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has published its 2014 annual report for the year ended 30 June 2014. During this period the FMA began implementing the largest statutory change in financial services in 30 years. Engaging with the industry to implement the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013(FMC Act) was one of six major achievements outlined in the report, as the FMA continued to deliver its ongoing regulatory responsibilities.
    Media release, FMA, News & Insights
    Page, Financial reporting