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  1. 29 June 2014

    NZX Obligations Review 2014

    NZX, as New Zealand’s only Registered Exchange, is
    an essential part of New Zealand’s financial markets.
    The General Obligations Review provides FMA with
    the opportunity to report on the adequacy of the
    arrangements NZX had in place to comply with its
    obligations during a particular review period, and to
    identify issues that, in FMA’s view, would assist NZX to
    ensure its continued compliance.
    Reports and Papers, Market operator, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  2. 12 July 2013

    consultation paper charitable and religious purposes exemption review

    In this paper we seek submissions on proposals relating to the review the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is undertaking on the Securities Act (Charitable and Religious Purposes) Exemption Notice 2003 (SR 2003/66) (the CRP Notice), which is due to expire on 30 November 2013.
    FMA is reviewing the CRP Notice simultaneously with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s review of the appropriate treatment of charitable and religious organisations under the Non-bank Deposit Takers regime.
    Consultations, Supervisor, Roles, Business
  3. 24 August 2016

    FMA Co-operation policy 2016

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) often receives the co-operation of entities or individuals when we investigate financial market misconduct.
    When deciding whether to pursue a regulatory response against an entity or individual, and if so, what sanction to use, one of the factors we may consider is the nature and extent of any co-operation they have provided.
    Regulation, Policy, Business, FMA, Enforcement
  4. 13 April 2015

    Response to Submissions Derivatives Issuer Standard Condition: Suitability of Products for Clients

    In November 2013 we consulted on the minimum standards and conditions for derivatives issuers wishing to
    be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). As part of that consultation we sought feedback on a condition relating to the assessment of suitability of products for clients. Two options were provided, one being disclosure based and the other an assessment by the issuer.
    Derivative Issuer, Consultations, Roles, FMC Act, Legislation, Business
  5. 2 June 2017

    Amendment Notice 2017 FMC Shares in Investment Companies Designation

    The amendment notice amends the Financial Markets Conduct (Shares in Investment Companies) Designation Notice 2017 which came into force on the 19 May 2017. The notice declares that certain shares in investment companies are managed investment products rather than equity securities for the purposes of the FMC Act, but the princepal notice does not apply to shares that are NZX Main Board shares.
    FMC Act, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Notice
  6. 23 July 2019

    Annual Corporate Plan 2019

    This Annual Corporate Plan sets out our activities that will promote our strategic priorities, address regulatory risks and harms, and deliver sector outcomes.
    This plan should be read alongside our Strategic Risk Outlook (see below), which provides our medium-term view of the most significant risks to and opportunities for promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets.
  7. 9 May 2023

    Supervisors Licence Covenant Trustee Services Limited

    This is to certify that COVENANT TRUSTEE SERVICES LIMITED FSP30521, is licensed under section 16(1) of the Financial Markets Supervisors Act 2011 to act as a supervisor in respect of debt securities; a supervisor in respect of registered schemes excluding KiwiSaver schemes, Superannuation schemes and Workplace Savings schemes and a statutory supervisor in respect of retirement villages.

    Licence, Roles, Licensing & registration, Business, Supervisor
  8. 10 November 2014

    Gentrack IPO Report November 2014

    This report published in 2014 describes our conclusions following a review of matters arising out of Gentrack’s initial public offering (IPO) of shares and its disclosure at the time of the IPO. Our review has not covered matters
    relating to Gentrack’s continuous disclosure obligations under the Securities Markets Act 1988 or the NZX
    listing rules. These matters have been reviewed by NZX.
    Reports and Papers, Investigations, News & Insights, Enforcement
  9. 2 August 2018

    FMA Annual Corporate Plan 2018-19

    This Annual Corporate Plan sets out our activities for 2019/20 that will promote our strategic priorities, address regulatory risks and harms, and deliver sector outcomes. This plan should be read alongside our Strategic Risk Outlook, which provides our medium-term view of the most significant risks to and opportunities for promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets.
    Reports and Papers, FMA, News & Insights
  10. 1 March 2014

    Unsolicited Offers Monitoring Report 2014

    The Securities Markets (Unsolicited Offers) Regulations 2012 came into force on 1 December 2012, in response to concerns about ’low ball’ offers. FMA closely monitored compliance with the new regulations as one of our focus areas in 2013 for building customer trust. In this report we set out our findings and observations. These are based on our monitoring activities to 14 February 2014.
    Compliance, Reports and Papers, Offer information, Business, News & Insights
  11. 15 March 2023

    FAP licences Classes of financial advice service

    The FMA specifies three licence classes for financial advice providers (FAP): Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. See section 395(2) of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 as amended by the Financial Services legislation Amendment Act 2019 (FMC Act).
    Licence classes apply to the manner in which regulated financial advice may be provided but do not limit the types of financial advice that may be provided under the licence, as the latter is addressed by the competency requirements in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.
    Financial Advice Provider, Licence guide, Roles, Licensing & registration, Business
    PDF, Information Sheet
  12. 23 June 2022

    Cyber Security and Operational Systems Resilience

    This information sheet assists market services licensees (excluding benchmark administrators) licensed under Part 6 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) to enhance the resilience of their cyber and operational systems. While this information sheet is designed to apply to a broad range of sectors, entities with complex cyber security and operational systems should consider the specific technology requirements and obligations that apply to their sector.
    Auditors, Roles, Financial market infrastructures, Financial Adviser, Financial Advice Provider, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Derivative Issuer, Directors, Cryptocurrencies, Crowdfunding providers, Client money or property services provider, Authorised body under a FAP, Business, Interposed persons under new financial advice regime, Managed investment schemes, Market operator, Peer-to-peer lending service providers
    Guidance, PDF
  13. 1 September 2012

    Pre-prospectus publicity - some practical guidance for issuers and their advisers

    This guidance note is intended for issuers of securities, their directors and advisers. It sets out the Financial Markets Authority’s (FMA) view on the boundaries of pre-regulated offer publicity/advertising (also commonly referred to as ‘pre-prospectus publicity’), as required by the Securities Act 1978 (Act) and FMA’s policy on the scope of pre-prospectus publicity it will support by exemption.
    Derivative Issuer, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Roles, Business
    PDF, Guidance
  14. 1 July 2017

    Offering financial products in New Zealand and Australia under mutual recognition - regulatory guide

    This is a guide for New Zealand and Australian issuers offering financial products or interests in managed or collective investment schemes in both countries.
    It explains what issuers have to do under the trans-Tasman mutual recognition scheme for offers of financial products.
    This is a joint guide published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
    Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes
    PDF, Guidance
  15. 24 May 2018

    New Zealand Equity Market Cleanliness for the years 2010-2016

    This report assesses the cleanliness of New Zealand equity markets. The assessment is based on the prevalence of abnormal price movements ahead of material price sensitive announcements -measured by the market cleanliness statistic (MCS). The report assessed the New Zealand market cleanliness for the years 2010-2016 and found that the MCS appears to be fluctuating and does not display a clear increasing or decreasing trend.
    Reports and Papers, Business, News & Insights