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  1. 5 April 2024

    Authorised body under a financial advice provider licence

    An authorised body is an entity (eg company or partnership) named on a Financial Advice Provider licence. A licensed FAP must agree to an authorised body operating under its licence. The authorised body must be named on the financial advice provider’s transitional licence application, and the licensed FAP will be required to provide information about the authorised body when it applies for its licence.
    Individuals cannot be authorised bodies under a FAP licence and individual financial advice provider licence holders cannot engage authorised bodies under their licences.
    Find out more about registration, costs, ongoing obligations, duties, standard consitions, general reporting conditions, code of professional conduct, competency safe harbour, and liability and enforcement on this page.
    Compliance, New Financial Advice regime, Authorised body under a FAP, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act (FSLAA), Business
  2. 11 April 2024

    Financial adviser

    To use the term Financial Adviser from the start of the new financial advice regime, you must be registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) and engaged by a licensed financial advice provider (FAP) (or authorised body). 
    Find out more about licensing, your ongoing obligations and duties and complying with the new Code of Professional Conduct; liabilities and enforcement and frequently asked questions on this page.
    New Financial Advice regime, Compliance, Financial Adviser, FSPR, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Business
  3. 8 April 2024

    Discretionary Investment Management Service (DIMS)

    To provide discretionary investment management services (DIMS) under the FMC Act you must hold a DIMS market services licence issued under the FMA Act. Find out more about the licensing, fees associated with licensing, compliance obligations and exemptions available to this role in New Zealand.
    Compliance, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Business
  4. 23 April 2024


    Supervisors are appointed to look after investors' interests for some types of financial products and the interests of residents of retirement villages. Supervisors covered by the Financial Markets Supervisors Act 2011 (the FMS Act) are those who supervise debt securities; Registered schemes, including KiwiSaver schemes, specified managed funds and superannuation schemes, and retirement villages.View more about licensing and registration and the obligations of Supervisors in New Zealand on this page.
    Compliance, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
  5. 22 September 2021

    Don’t freak out if markets go down

    FMA's editorial team talks about financial volatility and what to do when markets go down.
    Investing, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  6. 21 September 2021

    Do your due diligence or research

    FMA article that provides you with a list of questions you should ask yourself when you're doing your due diligence about a potential investment.
    Shares, Ways to invest, Investing, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  7. 5 October 2020

    Investing Myth #5: 'Real investors play the share market'

    ‘Real investors play the share market’ is a myth that is debunked by Mary Holm for the FMA on this page. Find out more about how an investment in KiwiSaver or a bank deposit is an investment.
    Shares, Ways to invest, Investing, Investment basics, Consumer
  8. 4 October 2021

    FMA investor profile - Sonya Gupthan

    Our latest investor profile focusses on Sonya Gupthan, one of the stars and co-hosts of the hit Girls that Invest, podcast.
    Investor information, Article, Consumer, News & Insights
  9. 18 March 2022

    Impact of Russia Sanctions on AML/CFT reporting entities

    An update from the three AML/CFT Act supervisors to reporting entities on what is required of them under the Russia Sanctions Act 2022.
    AML/CFT, AML/CFT act 2009, Roles, Legislation, Business
    Page, Guidance
  10. 11 April 2018

    Redfield Markets Limited

    Plus Option (trading name) is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
    International regulator alerts, Scams
  11. 1 November 2018

    Determining whether you are acquiring a business or assets guidance

    This guidance sets out our view of what constitutes a ‘business’ for these purposes, as opposed to an asset. It also sets out additional information issuers should consider disclosing for asset acquisitions.
    FMC Act, Offer information, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Guidance
  12. 1 November 2018

    Determining whether you are acquiring a business or assets guidance

    This guidance sets out our view of what constitutes a ‘business’ for these purposes, as opposed to an asset. It also sets out additional information issuers should consider disclosing for asset acquisitions.
    FMC Act, Offer information, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Guidance
  13. 15 February 2022

    Meet Samantha Barrass, FMA Chief Executive

    FMA Chief Executive, Samantha Barrass talks about what she wants to achieve for financial services in New Zealand.
    FMA people, FMA, News & Insights
  14. 16 October 2021


    When you buy shares, you're buying a small part of a company. You can buy shares directly or own them through a managed fund which pools many investors’ money. Shares are riskier than other types of investments such as bonds and cash investments. Before diving into the share market, learn more about the ins and outs of trading and stock investment.
    Shares, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer