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Found 1054 results. Displaying page 63 of 71

  1. 15 March 2021

    Insurance advice

    An insurance adviser works with you to: Understand your needs and goals, work out what you can afford to pay in premiums, find options to suit your situation an more. An insurance adviser is a go-between who deals with insurers to arrange your insurance. They will also help if you need to claim on your insurance.
    Financial advice, Get advice, Insurance advice, Investing, Consumer
  2. 8 May 2023


    Find out how to contact the FMA if you wish to ask us a question; make a complaint; contact our helplines, visit our offices or make a media enquiry.
  3. 7 March 2023

    Investing basics

    Understand the basics of investing by working out what kind of investor you are and learning the skills to manage your investments confidently. Helping investors make better informed decisions.
    Investing, Investment basics, Consumer
  4. 9 August 2023

    KiwiSaver default funds

    The New Zealand Government has recently announced new providers of KiwiSaver default funds, to enhance the financial wellbeing of default KiwiSaver members in retirement. See more information from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on this page.
  5. 3 October 2022

    World Investor Week 2022

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish” Having a well-thought-out plan is an important first step in your investing journey. Learn more #WorldInvestorWeek2022
    World Investor Week, Campaigns, Investing, Consumer
  6. 9 February 2021

    Using an investing platform

    Online investing platforms enable you to trade shares and other financial products online. We give you tips on using an investing platform like setting your intentions, diversifying, and other options.
    Online investing platforms, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer
  7. 15 March 2021

    Understanding the risks

    Online investing platforms enable you to trade shares and other financial products online. Take a look at risks that come with using and investing with an online investment platform.
    Online investing platforms, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer
  8. 4 October 2018

    Managed funds

    When you invest in a managed fund, your money is pooled with other investors’ money and is spread across different kinds of investments. A manager chooses how the fund is invested according to the rules set out for each fund and each investor owns a proportion of the total fund. You can invest in a single fund or a mix of funds. Managed funds allow for investment diversity and can be a good investment option. Learn how managed funds work and the different types available.
    Managed funds, Ways to invest, Investing, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer
  9. 20 January 2023


    When you buy a bond, you’re lending money to a bond issuer - usually a government, council or company - for a set period of time (the term). The term is fixed by the issuer and can range between one and 30 years. They’re often known as ‘fixed interest’ investments. Learn more about the different types of bonds and understand their returns, risks and costs here.
    Bonds, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer
  10. 5 April 2024

    Authorised body under a financial advice provider licence

    An authorised body is an entity (eg company or partnership) named on a Financial Advice Provider licence. A licensed FAP must agree to an authorised body operating under its licence. The authorised body must be named on the financial advice provider’s transitional licence application, and the licensed FAP will be required to provide information about the authorised body when it applies for its licence.
    Individuals cannot be authorised bodies under a FAP licence and individual financial advice provider licence holders cannot engage authorised bodies under their licences.
    Find out more about registration, costs, ongoing obligations, duties, standard consitions, general reporting conditions, code of professional conduct, competency safe harbour, and liability and enforcement on this page.
    Compliance, New Financial Advice regime, Authorised body under a FAP, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act (FSLAA), Business
  11. 7 June 2024

    Financial Advice Provider (FAP)

    A financial advice provider (FAP) is an individual or entity (e.g. a company) that provides a "financial advice service". Find out more about licensing, registration, costs and ongoing obligations as well as how to comply with the new Code of Professional Conduct for financial advice services including competence, knowledge and skill requirements as well as requirements for ethical behaviour, conduct and client care.
    New Financial Advice regime, Compliance, Financial Advice Provider, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act (FSLAA), Business
  12. 11 April 2024

    Financial adviser

    To use the term Financial Adviser from the start of the new financial advice regime, you must be registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) and engaged by a licensed financial advice provider (FAP) (or authorised body). 
    Find out more about licensing, your ongoing obligations and duties and complying with the new Code of Professional Conduct; liabilities and enforcement and frequently asked questions on this page.
    New Financial Advice regime, Compliance, Financial Adviser, FSPR, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Roles, Business
  13. 27 June 2019

    Asia Region Funds Passport

    New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Korea and Thailand have agreed to establish and implement what is known as the Asia Region Funds Passport. Once implemented, the passport will allow a managed fund based in one jurisdiction to be offered more easily to investors in other participating jurisdictions.
    Asia Region Funds Passport Register, Business
  14. 13 September 2018

    Guide to being an effective director

    The essentials of being an effective director outlines some of the essential behaviours directors should demonstrate to meet legal, regulatory and ethical standards for directors, and tells you where you can go to find out more.
    Directors, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  15. 2 July 2021

    Administrators of financial benchmarks

    Financial benchmarks are prices, rates, figures or indexes that are referenced in financial products or contracts. On this page, you will find out more about licensing of administrators of financial benchmarks; compliance obligations; costs of licensing and exemptions available to administrators of financial benchmarks.
    Administrators of financial benchmarks, Licensing & registration, Roles, Obligations, Business