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  1. 15 December 2022

    AML/CFT Designated Business Group – Formation and Change Guideline

    This guideline 2022 is designed to help reporting entities forming a designated business group (DBG) to understand the process for doing so. Entities may form a DBG if they are eligible to do so under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the AML/CFT Act) and associated regulations.
    AML/CFT, Obligations, Roles, Business, Designated Business Group (DBG)
    PDF, Guidance
  2. 14 April 2021

    KiwiSaver performance fees

    This guidance note is intended for the managers and trustees of KiwiSaver schemes. It sets out the criteria against which FMA will assess the reasonableness of KiwiSaver performance fees.
    Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    Page, Guidance
  3. 18 May 2022

    Fund managers’ inconsistent performance measurement and cost of fees reduces benefits to investors

    The managers of New Zealand managed investment schemes (MIS or KiwiSaver/fund managers) are showing repeatable performance, relative to appropriate market indices. However, the benefits of their skill to investors in some funds is reduced by fees, and the costs of commission paid by managers to third parties.
    Roles, Media release, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights, Supervisor
  4. 22 March 2017

    FMA Statement on Forestlands

    FMA identified $18 million which Forestlands say is to be paid to all its investors. That money has been placed in a trust account after our discussion with a Forestlands director. Read more.
    Media release, Cases, News & Insights, Enforcement
  5. 13 May 2019

    10 formal AML/CFT warnings issued by FMA

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has issued formal warnings to 10 reporting entities under Section 80 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act (AML/CFT Act). Read more.
    AML/CFT, Media release, Roles, Formal warning, AML/CFT formal warning, Powers, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  6. 4 October 2018

    Managed funds

    When you invest in a managed fund, your money is pooled with other investors’ money and is spread across different kinds of investments. A manager chooses how the fund is invested according to the rules set out for each fund and each investor owns a proportion of the total fund. You can invest in a single fund or a mix of funds. Managed funds allow for investment diversity and can be a good investment option. Learn how managed funds work and the different types available.
    Managed funds, Ways to invest, Investing, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer
  7. 29 August 2018

    Helping KiwiSaver members weather investment storms

    In preparation for Sorted Money Week 2018 the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is launching an online quiz to help younger KiwiSaver members understand how to react when investments rise and fall in stormy markets.
    KiwiSaver providers, Media release, Roles, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  8. 16 August 2018

    KiwiSaver members say dollar fee information is useful

    KiwiSaver members say dollar fee information is useful. The vast majority (86%) of KiwiSaver members who saw their fees in dollar amounts in their annual statements this year rated the information as “quite or very useful”, an FMA survey has found.
    Media release, KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  9. 9 February 2021

    Using an investing platform

    Online investing platforms enable you to trade shares and other financial products online. We give you tips on using an investing platform like setting your intentions, diversifying, and other options.
    Online investing platforms, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer
  10. 8 August 2022

    When to contact us and who else may be able to help

    Whilst the FMA is always happy to help, In some situations, there are other Agencies and organisations who are best placed to help. This page has a list of links to other organisations that could be better placed to help based on your needs.
  11. 15 December 2022

    Pencarrow Private Equity Management Limited - Formal Warning

    We have formally warned Pencarrow Private Equity Management Limited for breaching record-keeping requirements under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act.
    Our investigation found Pencarrow had systemic failings in its retention of identity and verification records for customers who invested in its Fund V, during the period April to July 2018, in that the records were not readily accessible.
  12. 16 August 2023

    Speech by Clare Bolingford to the Financial Services Council Conference 2023

    Clare Bolingford, FMA Executive Director, Regulatory Delivery. Speech to the Financial Services Council Conference, 16th August 2023.
    Speeches and presentations , Conduct, FMA people, Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (CoFI), Business, FMA, News & Insights
  13. 21 May 2024

    Official Information Act (OIA) requests

    The Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) gives New Zealanders the right to request official information. We are committed to carrying out our functions and responsibilities in an open, transparent and accountable manner. We will publish OIA statistics and some responses to requests for information every quarter.
    Page, OIA