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  1. 3 September 2021

    Spotlight on Crypto: Using New Zealand based cryptocurrency trading platforms

    Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, and many investors have been attracted to the spectacular gains in recent times. In this article, the FMA talks about the things you can do to protect yourself if you’re determined to invest in cryptocurrency.
    Cryptocurrencies, Roles, FMA stories, Article, Business, Consumer, News & Insights
  2. 11 July 2019

    Cyber resilience in FMA regulated financial services

    This report 2019 summarises the findings of our thematic review of cyber-resilience in New Zealand financial services, and provides guidance for firms in areas where we have
    identified the need for improvement. It will be useful for our regulated sectors, to help ensure they comply with our expectations and best practice.
    Financial Adviser, FMC Act, Reports and Papers, Roles, Legislation, Business, News & Insights
  3. 25 June 2020

    FMA welcomes start date of new financial advice regime and confirmation of disclosure requirements

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is encouraging advisers to apply for their transitional licences by the end of the year, as the Government announces the start date to the new financial advice regime. Read the full media release here.
    Financial advice, New Financial Advice regime, Media release, Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act (FSLAA), Financial Advice Provider, Roles, Business, Consumer, News & Insights
  4. 4 November 2021

    FMA speaks to MinterEllisonRuddWatts clients

    The FMA acting General Counsel, Karen Chang's speech to MinterEllisonRuddWatts clients on Thursday 4 November 2021.
    Speeches and presentations , News & Insights, Enforcement
  5. 22 November 2022

    Consultation: Potential changes to the assurance requirement in the climate-related disclosures regime

    Consultation closed: The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) have opened consultation on potential changes to the assurance requirement in the climate-related disclosures regime.
    Consultations, Climate related disclosure, Ethical finance, Authorised body under a FAP, Financial Institutions, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes
  6. 13 May 2020

    Campaign to raise scam awareness among Pacific communities as reports rise

    The FMA has seen a steady increase in complaints about a variety of scams since the beginning of March. The most reported scam was a cryptocurrency campaign on social media using fake news articles and false celebrity endorsements to promote Bitcoin investments.
    Cryptocurrencies, FMA stories, Roles, Media release, Business, Consumer, News & Insights
  7. 17 December 2015

    Consultation paper Recognition of Overseas regimes proposed exemption relief

    This consultation is for: overseas issuers, overseas FMC reporting entities, their advisers and auditors. It aims to: test the appropriate level of disclosure, governance, financial reporting and audit relief required by overseas entities under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
    Auditors, Consultations, Roles, Business
  8. 6 March 2017

    Adviser point of retirement research report 2017

    This report summarises feedback we gathered from 10 authorised financial advisers about advice close to or at
    retirement. It also includes feedback from 104 people currently receiving advice from financial advisers. The purpose of this research was to find out if financial advice helps New Zealanders manage their retirement savings. It forms part of a wider FMA project to understand the financial help and advice people receive when they retire.
    Reports and Papers, Investor capability, FMA, News & Insights
  9. 24 July 2020

    Derivatives Issuer Sector Risk Assessment

    This sector risk assessment summarises the key risks posed by licensed Derivatives Issuers (DIs) to the FMA’s objective of promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets. It is based on a self-assessment completed by DIs, as well as our interactions with DIs and their clients since FMC Act licensing began. This information will be useful to help licensed DIs understand our focus areas and ensure they comply with our expectations and best practice.
    Reports and Papers, Derivative Issuer, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  10. 17 December 2015

    Consultation paper: Recognition of overseas regimes – proposed exemption relief

    Consultation paper: Recognition of overseas regimes – proposed exemption relief. We are consulting on possible exemptions for overseas issuers and overseas FMC reporting entities from a range of issues.
    Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Consultations, Exemptions, Roles, Business
  11. 13 June 2016

    FMA releases Auditor regulation and oversight plan

    The FMA has released its auditor regulation and oversight plan for 2016. The FMA’s plan sets out the new style of audit report issued by the External Reporting Board, intended to provide better information to investors.
    Auditors, Media release, Roles, Business, News & Insights