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Found 2764 results. Displaying page 63 of 185

  1. 12 April 2012

    FMA calls for submissions on exemption reviews

    The Financial Markets Authority is seeking submissions from market participants, investors, representatives and advisers on review of 44 class exemption notices due to expire later this year.
    Media release, News & Insights
  2. 24 August 2011

    FMA reminds Red Zone homeowners about new advice rules

    The Financial Markets Authority is reminding Canterbury residential Red Zone homeowners seeking financial advice about payout offers to check they're dealing with registered professionals.
    Media release, News & Insights
  3. 18 September 2020

    FMA files criminal charges in relation to Forestlands

    The Financial Markets Authority has filed criminal charges against an individual in relation to the Forestlands group of companies, for alleged disclosure and financial record keeping breaches.
    Cases, Media release, News & Insights, Enforcement
  4. 3 September 2015

    Consultation paper: Proposed amendments to the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012

    Consultation paper: Proposed amendments to the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012. This paper seeks to gather views from business professionals involved in auditing on the proposed amendments to the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012.
    Auditors, Consultations, Roles, Business
  5. 30 April 2010

    Corman Oil Limited

    Corman Oil Limited appealed to Securities Commission against a decision of Registrar of Companies to refuse registration of Corman Oil Limited prospectus dated 2 February 2010, in accordance with section 42 of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Misleading statement, Breach, Enforcement
  6. 6 October 2021

    Adviser profile – Christine Hay on her FAP licensing journey

    Christine Hay, sole adviser for and Managing Director of Hawke’s Bay financial advice provider, Financial Sense Limited talkks to the FMA about becoming a fully licensed financial advice provider.
    Licensing & registration, Roles, Financial Advice Provider, Article, Business, News & Insights
  7. 22 December 2022

    FMA suspends crowdfunding licence of The Property Crowd

    We have suspended the crowdfunding provider licence of The Property Crowd after the entity materially contravened its licensee obligations.
    Media release, Crowdfunding providers, Licensing & registration, Enforceable action, Roles,  Licence contraventions, Powers, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  8. 12 August 2021

    FMA accuses CEO of market manipulation for anonymous posts on investor forum

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) - Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has filed civil High Court proceedings against Matthew Geoffrey Hill, the Chief Executive Officer of NZX-listed New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NTL), for alleged information-based market manipulation and making false and misleading representations. The case relates to anonymous posts Mr Hill made about the company on the Sharetrader website’s online investor forum.
    Cases, Directors, Roles, Offer information, Media release, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  9. 24 September 2020

    FMA reports on monitoring of financial services firms and advisers

    A report on the FMA's supervision activities over the past 18 months says large parts of the financial services sector are working hard to meet the FMA’s expectations, but called for further and more widespread improvements to governance and compliance.
    Compliance, Derivatives, Directors, Regulation, Regulation updates, Ways to invest, Investing, Roles, Media release, Business, Consumer, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  10. 17 December 2019

    FMA files civil proceedings against CBL Corporation, its directors and chief financial officer

    The FMA has issued two sets of civil proceedings in the Auckland High Court against CBL Corporation Limited (In liquidation) (CBLC), the six directors and the chief financial officer alleging multiple breaches of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (“FMC Act”). The FMA is seeking declarations of contravention¹ and civil pecuniary penalties in both proceedings.
    Cases, Media release, News & Insights, Enforcement
  11. 14 August 2019

    New vision for Council of Financial Regulators

    The Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR) has announced a new vision for New Zealand’s economic wellbeing and has welcomed the addition of the Commerce Commission to the forum.
    Media release, Regulation, Governance, Business, FMA, News & Insights
  12. 12 March 2019

    Expiry dates on all Financial Markets Conduct Act licences to be removed

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is to remove the expiry dates for all licences issued under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 in a process expected to be complete by the middle of 2019. Read more here.
    FMC Act, Media release, Legislation, Business, News & Insights