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Found 2573 results. Displaying page 54 of 172

  1. 18 June 2014

    FMA releases guide to help smaller financial adviser businesses with the licensing process for DIMS

    Following changes to the regulation of Discretionary Investment Management Services (DIMS) announced Monday 16 June, by Commerce Minister, Craig Foss, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has released a guide to help advisers and small businesses who want to apply for a licence to provide DIMS under the Financial Markets Conduct Act
    Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Media release, Roles, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  2. 13 October 2022

    Offers of financial products

    Issuers are involved in first making a financial product available. They include a debt security, an equity security, a managed investment product, and a derivative. View more about offers of financial product and obligations of those offering financial products in New Zealand on this page.
    Offer information, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Roles, Business
  3. 20 July 2021

    Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers

    Issuers are involved in first making a financial product available. The FMC Act has requirements for financial product offer information. See those requirements, financial reporting obligations, accountability framework for managed investment schemes and debt securities on this page.
    Compliance, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Obligations, FMC Act, Roles, Legislation, Business
  4. 7 July 2005

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. Braemar and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  5. 7 July 2005

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited has offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 since December 2004. It has done so without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. No allotments of the securities have yet occurred. Alpine and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  6. 10 May 2024

    AML/CFT customer due diligence: trusts

    A trust is an arrangement where a person (the settlor) gives money or property to another person (the trustee), to be held in trust for the benefit of either the trust’s beneficiaries, or a purpose recognised by law. The AML/CFT customer due diligence: trusts fact sheet should be read in conjuction with the beneficial ownership guideline.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Independent trustee, News, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  7. 9 February 2021

    Using an investing platform

    Online investing platforms enable you to trade shares and other financial products online. We give you tips on using an investing platform like setting your intentions, diversifying, and other options.
    Online investing platforms, Ways to invest, Investing, Consumer
  8. 31 May 2023

    Entity demands tax payment that does not exist

    We are aware that requires its clients to pay a type of investment tax which does not exist in New Zealand.
    Suspected scam, Investor warning, Consumer, Scams
  9. 10 September 2020

    Te Reo Maori Financial Glossary He Reo Whairawa

    This project is centered on the research and development of a fundamental vocabulary of 100 wealth and investment terms. The development and promotion of this vocabulary will form a critical support for enhancing and promoting the use of te reo Māori in the wealth and investment sector, and related educational programmes. The review of existing vocabulary and the development of new vocabulary is done in collaboration with both industry and linguistic experts.
    PDF, Resource
  10. 30 May 2014

    new governance and accountability framework for mis managers and their licensed supervisors 2014

    The FMC Act introduces an accountability framework for managed investment schemes (MIS).
    The requirements include a statutory duty of care on both managers and supervisors of managed investment schemes. Both must also act in the best interests of investors. Managers and supervisors need to have a clear
    understanding of their respective roles and understand they will be held to account for their actions.
    Governance, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor, Roles, Business, FMA
    PDF, Information Sheet
  11. 22 June 2021

    MIS liquidity risk management review

    This report contains recommendations on liquidity stress testing frameworks, processes and procedures, following the August 2020 self-assessment survey completed by regulated entities for a two-year period ending 31 December 2019. It will be useful for directors, senior management and investment personnel of managed investment schemes.
    Roles, KiwiSaver providers, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    PDF, Report
  12. 12 March 2018

    Consultation: Content of regulatory returns for licensed DI MIS managers and DIMS providers

    This consultation is for licensed derivative issuers, managers of managed investment schemes, providers of discretionary investment management services, and other interested parties. It aims to gain feedback on our proposals for regulatory returns for licensed DI, MIS managers and DIMS providers.
    Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Consultations, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes
  13. 24 February 2015

    Reporting SIPO limit breaks Information sheet

    This information sheet outlines the reporting obligations of a Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) manager if there has been a limit break under its Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) under Part 4 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
    Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    PDF, Information Sheet
  14. 1 June 2016

    Investor Confidence Research 2016

    This is the fourth year that FMA has carried out investor research measuring attitudes towards, and investment in New Zealand’s financial markets.
    Reports and Papers, FMA, News & Insights
    PDF, Research
  15. 5 June 2020

    Pacific scams A4 infosheet in English

    This Investment scams information sheet has been created for Pacific Island audiences to easily identify the warning signs of a scam and where to get help.
    Investor information, Consumer, Scams