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  1. 23 July 2019

    FMA issues Stop Order against Syndicated Trusts Limited

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has issued a Stop Order against Syndicated Trusts Limited (STL), ordering the company to stop advertising or accepting money for financial products.
    Cases, Media release, News & Insights, Enforcement
  2. 1 December 2013

    Identity Verification Code of Practice

    Identity Verification Code of Practice provides a suggested best practice for all reporting entities conducting name and date of birth identity verification on customers (that are natural persons) they have assessed to be low to medium risk.

    AML/CFT, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  3. 31 July 2023

    Standards for designated Financial Market Infrastructures

    The standards for designated FMIs were issued on 27 July 2023 under sections 31 and 34 of the Financial Market Infrastructures Act 2021 (the FMI Act) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Financial Markets Authority acting jointly as the regulator under section 9 of the FMI Act. The standards come into effect starting from 1 March 2024.
    Financial market infrastructures, Roles, Business
  4. 16 July 2021

    Amended Identity Verification Code of Practice 2013

    AML/CFT amended identity verification code of practice 2013 provides a suggested best practice for all reporting entities conducting name and date of birth identity verification on customers (that are natural persons).
    Complying with a code of practice is not mandatory, although it constitutes a safe harbour. If a reporting entity fully complies with the code it is deemed to be compliant with the relevant parts of the Act. If a reporting entity opts out of the code, it must inform its supervisor and must adopt practices that are equally effective, otherwise, it risks non-compliance.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  5. 29 April 2024

    AML/CFT customer due diligence: Limited Partnerships 2024 and sole traders and partnerships 2022

    Businesses can take many forms and may vary in size and complexity. The AML/CFT customer due diligence: sole traders and partnerships fact sheet focuses on the three business types - Sole trader, partnership and limited partnership. The fact sheet should be read in conjunction with the beneficial ownership guideline.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  6. 19 June 2024

    Climate-related Disclosures Regime: What you need to know

    An overview of the Climate-related Disclosures Regime and the information contained in climate statements
    Climate related disclosure, Roles, Ethical finance, Ways to invest, Investing, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  7. 19 May 2015

    FMA removes offshore firms from the Financial Services Provider Register – warnings issued against companies who fail to respond

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has confirmed that a number of offshore firms have recently been removed from the Financial Services Provider Register (FSPR). While the Registrar of Companies maintains the FSPR, the FMA has powers to direct the Registrar to remove companies from the FSPR where it is likely that a company is giving a false or misleading impression about the extent to which it is regulated in New Zealand.
    Media release, Formal warning, Powers, News & Insights, Enforcement
  8. 14 May 2014

    FMA seeks comments on proposed class exemption to apply to initial public offers

    Consultation paper: FMA seeks comments on proposed class exemption to apply to initial public offers. The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is planning to consult on a proposed class exemption for firms making initial public offers (IPOs). Read more.
    Offer information, Consultations, Exemptions, Business
  9. 15 October 2021

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Overseas Banks Offering Simple Debt Products) Exemption Notice 2021

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Overseas Banks Offering Simple Debt Products) Exemption Notice 2021 provides applies to banks that are licensed, registered, or otherwise authorised to carry on banking business in certain overseas jurisdictions that have been determined by the FMA to have regulatory oversight standards that are broadly equivalent to those that apply in New Zealand and that have signed the International Organization of Securities Commissions Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding.
    Exemptions, Secondary legislation, Business
  10. 11 June 2021

    Temporary extension for certain reporting deadlines

    The FMA is providing temporary relief to eligible entities a one-month extension to file their audited financial statements and comply with certain related reporting deadlines. The relief is available for eligible entities with balance dates between 31 March 2021 and 31 December 2021. Some conditions apply.
    COVID-19, News & Insights
    Page, Financial reporting
  11. 29 August 2019

    The FMA recommends taking caution when dealing with as they could be involved in a scam.
    Suspected scam, Scams
  12. 5 April 2017

    Wise-up about retirement now, so you can relax and enjoy it later

    The FMA commissioned Colmar Brunton to survey New Zealanders aged between 60 and 74 years, to find out their experiences of retirement and how information or advice has helped them manage their retirement savings.
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Media release, Consumer, News & Insights
  13. 11 November 2021

    Consultation on expiring class legislative notices

    Throughout 2020 and 2021 we will be consulting on a range of class exemption and other legislative notices that are due to expire before the end of 2022.
    Roles, Consultations, Business
  14. 14 May 2014

    FMA seeks comments on proposed class exemption to apply to initial public offers

    Consultation paper: FMA seeks comments on proposed class exemption to apply to initial public offers. The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is planning to consult on a proposed class exemption for firms making initial public offers (IPOs). Read more.
    Offer information, Consultations, Exemptions, Business