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  1. 23 April 2024

    Managed investment scheme manager

    A Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) pools money from a number of investors who rely on the investment expertise of the MIS manager. These schemes can be structured in different ways and may invest in a wide range of investments. On this page you will find the licensing and registration and compliance obligations of a MIS manager. You will also find a list of KiwiSaver exempt employers.
  2. 20 July 2021

    Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers

    Issuers are involved in first making a financial product available. The FMC Act has requirements for financial product offer information. See those requirements, financial reporting obligations, accountability framework for managed investment schemes and debt securities on this page.
  3. 22 January 2024

    Independent trustees

    You'll need a licence if you are appointed as an independent trustee of a restricted KiwiSaver scheme or a workplace superannuation or legacy scheme. Every restricted managed investment scheme must have at least one licensed independent trustee. See more about the licensing and registration and compliance obligations of independent trustees on this page.
  4. 4 October 2018

    Managed funds

    When you invest in a managed fund, your money is pooled with other investors’ money and is spread across different kinds of investments. A manager chooses how the fund is invested according to the rules set out for each fund and each investor owns a proportion of the total fund. You can invest in a single fund or a mix of funds. Managed funds allow for investment diversity and can be a good investment option. Learn how managed funds work and the different types available.
  5. 4 March 2020

    Cash investments

    Cash investments include savings accounts and term deposits with a bank, credit union or building society. You can also invest cash through a managed fund (this includes KiwiSaver) which pools together money from individuals for investments, managed by a fund manager. Cash investments are relatively safe because you’re promised a fixed interest rate. But the returns you get through interest rates tend to be low, so they’re not always the best option – particularly if you’re saving for retirement. Find out more about the risks, returns and costs associated with investing in cash here.
  6. 13 November 2013

    Consultation licensing MIS

    Consultation: Draft minimum standards and licence conditions for managers of non-restricted and registered Managed Investment Schemes (MIS).
  7. 19 March 2024

    Licensing application guide - Managed Investment Schemes (MIS) PART B3

    Your guide to applying for a Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. All the questions you’ll be asked, the minimum standards you’ll need to show you meet, and information about the details and supporting documents you’ll need to provide. Please make sure you read this guide in conjunction with our ‘Part A’ licensing guide.
  8. 8 April 2024

    Standard conditions for MIS

    If the FMA grants you a licence to act as a manager of a non-restricted and registered managed investment scheme (MIS manager licence), the licence will be subject to conditions set out in section 402 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
  9. 20 January 2023

    MIS Sector Risk Assessment 2023

    Findings from the FMA’s assessment of the sector risks and the underlying key risk factors for Managed Investment Schemes (MIS), January 2023
  10. 22 June 2021

    MIS liquidity risk management review

    This report contains recommendations on liquidity stress testing frameworks, processes and procedures, following the August 2020 self-assessment survey completed by regulated entities for a two-year period ending 31 December 2019. It will be useful for directors, senior management and investment personnel of managed investment schemes.
  11. 13 December 2019

    MIS custody arrangements thematic review 2019

    For any managed investment scheme it’s important that scheme property – money and investments – is kept safe. The function of looking after scheme property is called custody. Under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act), custody for retail managed investment schemes is the responsibility of the independent licensed supervisor. This separates custody functions from management of the scheme, and provides an additional layer of protection for investors.
  12. 11 December 2018

    MIS manager valuation and pricing practices

    This information sheet sets out our recommendations following a review of the pricing and valuation practices of Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) managers. It will be of particular interest to MIS managers and their supervisors.