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  1. 31 August 2021

    Delta blues: latest lockdown shows need for customer vulnerability preparedness

    FMA Senior Advisor for Investor Capability talks about customer vulnerability in the face of COVID-19.
    COVID-19, Authorised body under a FAP, Crowdfunding providers, Cryptocurrencies, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights, Peer-to-peer lending service providers, Nominated representatives
  2. 16 January 2024


    When you buy insurance products, you have certain rights and your provider has obligations to make sure you're treated fairly and those products suit your needs. The FMA monitors both insurers and the financial advisers selling insurance products to ensure they are delivering those outcomes.

    Insurance, Life insurance, General and other insurance, Consumer
  3. 15 March 2021

    Insurance advice

    An insurance adviser works with you to: Understand your needs and goals, work out what you can afford to pay in premiums, find options to suit your situation an more. An insurance adviser is a go-between who deals with insurers to arrange your insurance. They will also help if you need to claim on your insurance.
    Financial advice, Get advice, Insurance advice, Investing, Consumer
  4. 29 June 2016

    Replacing life insurance — who benefits?

    The FMA has previously raised concerns about the extent of replacement business in the life insurance industry. In response to these concerns, we initiated a review to determine whether insurance churn exists in the New Zealand market and, if it does, whether it harms consumers. Download the full report on this page.
    Reports and Papers, Authorised body under a FAP, Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Insurance Providers, Financial Institutions, Business, News & Insights
  5. 22 March 2018

    FMA publishes review of adviser conduct in life insurance

    The FMA has issued warnings to four registered financial advisers in relation to providing advice on replacement insurance policies, for breaches of the obligation in section 33 of the Financial Advisers Act 2008 to exercise care, diligence and skill.
    Media release, Conduct, Business, News & Insights
  6. 16 May 2018

    Conflicted remuneration (soft commissions) in the life and health insurance industry

    This review examines the soft commission structures in place for life and health insurance products and how advisers respond to these incentives. This work forms part of a range of regulatory activities examining conflicted conduct in the insurance sector.
    Financial Advice Provider, Conduct, Roles, Business
    PDF, Report
  7. 23 May 2019

    Superannuation products

    Superannuation schemes are managed fund investments. When you save via a superannuation scheme, your money is pooled with other New Zealander’s in your scheme and is spread across different kinds of investments. Some schemes offer additional benefits such as life or disability insurance. If you’re considering joining a workplace savings scheme instead of KiwiSaver, make sure you compare the benefits first.
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer
  8. 17 January 2023

    Cigna Life Insurance New Zealand Limited

    Cigna Life Insurance New Zealand Limited has admitted to making false and/or misleading representations to customers in proceedings brought by the FMA. This page documents the timeline of enforcement activity.
    Misleading statement, Court – civil, Powers, Enforcement
  9. 21 September 2021

    Review of credit card repayment insurance products

    In our 2019 Life Insurer Conduct and Culture review, we found that “certain products often provided poor value, and consequently poor outcomes for customers, because of limited benefits, and misunderstanding of coverage and eligibility”.
    We carried out this additional review to gain a better understanding of the suitability of CCRI for consumers.
    While most providers have withdrawn CCRI products from sale, there are still several hundred thousand existing policies, whose holders may not need or understand the product and are at risk of experiencing poor outcomes if they need to make a claim.
    Roles, Financial Institutions, Business
    PDF, Report
  10. 23 September 2021

    Review of credit card repayment insurance products

    The FMA has conducted a review of credit card repayment insurance products to gain a better understanding of providers’ practices, and the product’s suitability for consumers. We advise anyone who has purchased this sort of insurance to read the report.
    Financial Advice Provider, Roles, Reports and Papers, Banking, Insurance Providers, Financial Institutions, Business, News & Insights
  11. 18 July 2018

    Conflicted conduct in the insurance industry

    Our latest review on conflicted conduct in the insurance industry focuses on how QFEs mitigate risks through their operational policies and procedures when selling replacement policies. Our previous work focuses on RFAa and AFAs.
    Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Reports and Papers, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Report
  12. 28 September 2023

    Market operators

    A financial product market is a facility where financial products are bought or sold, or where offers or invitations to buy or sell financial products are made. Find the compliance, licensing and registration obligations and NZX notices on this page.
    Compliance, Roles, Obligations, Licensing & registration, Business, Market operator
  13. 29 June 2016

    Replacing life insurance - who benefits?

    This 2016 report from the FMA raises concerns about the extent of replacement business in the life insurance industry.
    Roles, Financial Institutions, Business
    PDF, Report
  14. 29 January 2019

    Life Insurer Conduct and Culture

    Findings from an FMA and RBNZ review of conduct and culture in New Zealand life insurers
    Roles, Conduct, Insurance Providers, Reports and Papers, Financial Institutions, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Report