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  1. 24 September 2020

    FMA reports on monitoring of financial services firms and advisers

    A report on the FMA's supervision activities over the past 18 months says large parts of the financial services sector are working hard to meet the FMA’s expectations, but called for further and more widespread improvements to governance and compliance.
    Compliance, Derivatives, Directors, Regulation, Regulation updates, Ways to invest, Investing, Roles, Media release, Business, Consumer, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  2. 24 March 2021

    FMA directs Rockfort Markets to address misleading advertising

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has directed licensed derivatives issuer (DI) Rockfort Markets to remove or amend misleading advertising statements on its social media channels and website.
    Derivatives, Ways to invest, Investing, Media release, Consumer, FMA, News & Insights, Enforcement
  3. 28 October 2010

    Adviser Regulation Ready To 'Go-Live' On 1 December

    The Commissioner for Financial Advisers has taken the last formal step required for the introduction of the new financial advisers regulatory regime, with publication in the Gazette that 1st December 2010 will be the date on which the Code of Professional Conduct for Authorised Financial Advisers (AFAs) comes into effect.
    Media release, News & Insights
  4. 16 August 2023

    Speech by Clare Bolingford to the Financial Services Council Conference 2023

    Clare Bolingford, FMA Executive Director, Regulatory Delivery. Speech to the Financial Services Council Conference, 16th August 2023.
    Speeches and presentations , Conduct, FMA people, Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (CoFI), Business, FMA, News & Insights
  5. 22 August 2013

    Five Star Consumer Finance And Five Star Finance Group

    FMA alleged that the directors (Marcus Macdonald, Nicholas Kirk, Anthony Bowden, Neill Williams) made untrue statements in the investment statements and registered prospectuses of Five Star Consumer Finance Limited and offered securities (Five Star Finance and Five Star Debenture Nominee) in contravention of the Securities Act and did so without having registered a prospectus or provided investors with an investment statement. Read more.
    Misleading statement, Breach, Enforcement
  6. 21 October 2010

    Review Highlights Need for Better Valuation Disclosure (Oct-2010)

    The Commissioner for Financial Advisers has taken the last formal step required for the introduction of the new financial advisers regulatory regime, with publication in the Gazette that 1 December 2010 will be the date on which the Code of Professional Conduct for Authorised Financial Advisers (AFAs) comes into effect.
    Media release, News & Insights