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  1. 27 February 2015

    Issuers registers of regulated products and the FMAs discretion under section 224

    This information sheet outlines the requirements relating to issuers’ registers of regulated products under Subpart 4 of Part 4 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). It also sets out how the FMA will exercise its discretion to authorise an issuer to decline a request for a copy of a register under section 224 of the FMC Act.
    Derivative Issuer, Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Roles, Business
    PDF, Information Sheet
  2. 11 December 2018

    MIS manager valuation and pricing practices

    This information sheet sets out our recommendations following a review of the pricing and valuation practices of Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) managers. It will be of particular interest to MIS managers and their supervisors.
    Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes
    PDF, Information Sheet
  3. 22 February 2018

    RIS Exemption to enable personalised digital advice 2018

    This regulatory impact statement (RIS) is for financial adviser entities, advisers, and other interested parties. It discusses an exemption to enable the provision of personalised digital advice services.
    RIS, Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Business
  4. 6 March 2017

    Adviser point of retirement research report 2017

    This report summarises feedback we gathered from 10 authorised financial advisers about advice close to or at
    retirement. It also includes feedback from 104 people currently receiving advice from financial advisers. The purpose of this research was to find out if financial advice helps New Zealanders manage their retirement savings. It forms part of a wider FMA project to understand the financial help and advice people receive when they retire.
    Reports and Papers, Investor capability, FMA, News & Insights
  5. 5 July 2016

    Kiwisaver Statements survey results 2016

    In May 2016, Colmar Brunton carried out research for the FMA among the general public to understand how KiwiSaver statements are perceived and how people use them.
    Reports and Papers, KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights, Supervisor
    PDF, Research
  6. 4 October 2019

    KiwiSaver Annual Report 2019

    The FMA publishes a report every year based on all providers’ statutory data for the year to the end of March. It summarises our activities as a regulator relating to KiwiSaver during the reporting period.
    Reports and Papers, KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  7. 23 September 2020

    Supervision Insights Report 2020

    An overview of the FMA’s supervision activities and findings from our monitoring reviews of regulated entities. This is our 2020 report.
    Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights, Supervisor
  8. 22 September 2017

    Financial Service Providers Register report

    Read about the work we’re doing to tackle misuse of the Financial Services Provider Register (FSPR) and some useful case studies that provide examples of where we’ve taken action.
    FSPR, Roles, Reports and Papers, Financial Advice Provider, Business, News & Insights
    Page, Report